Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?

Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?

Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

What is Dutasteride?

Dutasteride is a prescription drug that is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, it inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Although dutasteride is a drug extracted to prevent unwanted enlargement of the prostate gland, its use for hair loss was also considered, but was discontinued in late 2002. The reason for this is not exactly known. According to the speculations, it is said that clinical trials for this use have been stopped because the drug is not more effective and cheaper than finasteride. However, according to the results of a 12-24 weeks trial, 2.5 mg of dutasteride was shown to be even more effective than 5 mg of finasteride in preventing hair loss.

In Which Cases is Dutasteride Used for Hair Loss?

Androgenetic Alopecia and Dutasteride

Androgenetic alopecia is a frequent disorder that causes hair loss on the scalp. The enzyme 5–reductase is responsible for underlying pathophysiology by converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, a more powerful androgen. Finasteride and minoxidil are the only medications licensed to treat androgenetic alopecia. Still many people ask “Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?”. Many randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in androgenetic alopecia have shown that dutasteride is efficacious.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

How Should This Medicine Be Used?

Dutasteride is available as a capsule to be taken orally. It is usually taken once a day, with or without meals. Dutasteride should be taken every day at the same time. Read your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to clarify any portions you don’t understand. Dutasteride should be taken exactly as prescribed. Never take it in greater or smaller doses or more often than your doctor has prescribed. Instead, of opening, chewing, or crushing the capsules, drink them whole. Your symptoms may improve after three months of taking dutasteride, but it may take six months or longer to enjoy all of its advantages. Talk to your doctor about how you feel about your treatment.

Now let’s come to our question: “Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?”.

Although it may manage your symptoms, dutasteride cannot treat your condition. Continue to take dutasteride even if you feel good. Do not discontinue taking dutasteride without talking to your doctor.

When Throughout the Day Should Dutasteride Be Taken?

The ideal time of day to take Dutasteride for hair loss is ultimately a myth. To optimize the medication’s efficacy, choose a time of day that works best for you—whether it’s in the morning, evening, or night—and stick to taking it there every time. Before experiencing any results, Dutasteride should be regularly taken as a full capsule every day for at least 3 to 6 months. Do not double the dose to compensate for a missed one. Instead, return to your regular schedule the next day. Both chewing and crushing the pill are not advised. Dutasteride should be kept in a dark, dry place away from heat, moisture, and light.

Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?

Is Dutasteride Effective? Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?

Dutasteride is a very successful hair loss treatment that stabilizes androgenic alopecia in both men and women. It is a long-term treatment so it takes 3 to 6 months to see results. However, it should not be forgotten that androgenetic alopecia is a chronic disease that attacks the hair follicles and destroys them. If the treatment is stopped, Dihydrotestosterone starts to work again and the hair falls out.

What is the Rate of Action of Dutasteride for Hair Loss?

Dutasteride is typically taken for at least three months before any early benefits are seen, however, depending on the individual, it may take as long as six months. The majority of recent studies have a 6-month time frame, however, the findings have demonstrated that dutasteride significantly promotes hair growth and repair in males with androgenetic alopecia. Dutasteride’s effects only last for the duration that the patient continues to take the drug. When a patient stops taking dutasteride, their hair loss and shedding symptoms could return.

Dutasteride vs. Finasteride

How do They work?

Both finasteride and dutasteride function by inhibiting the actions of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that turns testosterone into DHT.FDA Approval for Hair Loss

The first to be created and patented was finasteride.

Finasteride is the more established medication when compared to dutasteride. As Proscar®, finasteride was first created in the 1970s as a therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, or an enlarged prostate gland), was patented in the 1980s, and received FDA approval in the 1990s. Finasteride, a drug used to treat male pattern baldness, was initially licensed by the FDA to treat BPH. This is so because DHT’s actions, like those that cause male pattern baldness, also induce BPH.

Finasteride was authorized in 1997 as a therapy for male pattern baldness under the trade name Propecia®.

Contrarily, dutasteride was developed in 1996 and was given FDA clearance in 2001 as a therapy for BPH under the trade name Avodart®.

Only Finasteride is FDA-approved to treat hair loss at the moment.

Despite research demonstrating dutasteride’s efficacy in treating hair loss, the FDA has not yet approved it as a hair loss medication. Only as a therapy for BPH has dutasteride received FDA approval. This indicates that it has undergone extensive testing and study by the FDA, but only as a medication marketed for the specific aim of reducing prostate volume.

The FDA has not authorized dutasteride for this sort of usage, but it doesn’t imply it is ineffective at preventing male pattern baldness.

It Has Been Shown That Finasteride and Dutasteride Can Both Cure Hair Loss

The FDA has only currently authorized finasteride as a hair loss therapy. Finasteride and dutasteride, however, are equally efficient in reducing DHT production and treating androgenic alopecia, or pattern hair loss, according to the majority of research.

Around 70% of DHT is blocked by finasteride, whereas 90% or more is blocked by dutasteride.

Because it seems to stop more testosterone from being turned into DHT, the hormone that causes male pattern baldness, dutasteride may be a little more successful than finasteride as a therapy.

Researchers evaluated the effects of finasteride and dutasteride on serum levels of DHT (the quantity of DHT that is present in the circulation) in a 2004 study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

They examined a total of 399 individuals and discovered that a daily dosage of 5mg of dutasteride decreased DHT levels by 98.4 +/- 1.2%. When administered at the same dosage, finasteride reduced DHT by 70.8 +/- 18.3%.

Can Dutasteride Be Used with Other Forms of Treatment?

Indeed, minoxidil is frequently used topically or orally in combination with Dutasteride.

If Finasteride Fails, Will Dutasteride Still Be Effective?

Although there is a larger possibility for enhanced outcomes when using dutasteride and finasteride together, many do not advocate this combination owing to the increased risk of adverse effects and the fact that using dutasteride as a therapy for hair loss is an illegal usage. However, when you are already taking finasteride and see no benefits from the drug; combined therapy with finasteride and dutasteride can improve hair density in patients already taking finasteride.

Dutasteride, but not finasteride, has an effect on certain people. Dutasteride may also be helpful for some men who have been on finasteride for more than five years but whose hair loss resumed after a period of recovery.

Side Effects of Dutasteride

Although side effects due to dutasteride use can also be seen with other 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride, the incidence of these side effects is much higher with dutasteride use. This is because finasteride blocks the DHT hormone unidirectional by 70% in serum, while dutasteride blocks the DHT hormone in serum by 90% bidirectional at standard dosage. Therefore, the side effects of dutasteride are significantly greater than those of finasteride due to the dramatic lowering of serum DHT levels. Dutasteride’s long half-life may adversely affect the hepatic system.



Inability to have an erection or sudden cessation of erections.

Decreased in Libido

Decreased or absent sexual desire, sexual dreams, and fantasies about the opposite sex.

Sperm Reduction

Decreased sperm motility and fertility. Some people may even experience temporary infertility.

Decreased Sexual Concentration

It is known from experiments on animals and from reports of adverse reactions in humans that a decrease in DHT has a negative effect on sexual concentration during sexual intercourse. A decrease in DHT can lead to sudden sexual reluctance, decreased pleasure from sexual intercourse or a complete loss of concentration.

Ejaculation Disorders

Decreased semen volume, translucency or dry discharge.


Occurrence of breast enlargement in men.

Undesirable Events During Intercourse

Side effects such as sudden loss of erection during intercourse, sudden reluctance, and inability to concentrate on the relationship.

Middle Ear Infection

DHT is also responsible for the secretion of a substance called a plug, which protects the inside of the ear from dust, dirt and bacteria. When this substance is not secreted at all or is not secreted sufficiently, bacteria and various microorganisms that reach the middle ear can cause middle and even inner ear inflammation. (The plug substance is popularly called ear wax or yellow substance. This side effect has been reported much more often in the use of dutasteride than in the use of finasteride.)

Fatty Liver and Elevated Liver Enzymes

Dutasteride is a drug with a much longer half-life than finasteride. Therefore, long-term circulation can tire the liver in many people and increase liver enzyme values, causing liver fat independent from alcohol.

Skin Dryness and Skin Ageing

A certain amount of sebum secretion is essential for healthy skin. Sebum secretion is under the control of DHT. When DHT is low or absent, sebum will not be secreted or will be secreted insufficiently, leading to dry skin and even premature wrinkling and ageing of dehydrated skin.

Decreased Muscle Performance/Hardness/Strength

Although testosterone is the androgen that provides the anabolic effect on the muscle, it is a known fact that the curvature, hardness and strength of the muscles are significantly reduced when DHT is reduced or absent. The positive effect of DHT, which is a much stronger androgen hormone than testosterone, on muscle is not less than testosterone, but its benefit on muscle is different from testosterone in terms of mechanism.

Why You Should Have Hair Transplant Rather Than Dutasteride?

Balding may be a natural part of ageing, but losing your hair is still a frustrating and embarrassing experience. Before getting a hair transplant many people try to find the solution in drugs like Dutasteride. As a result, they not only waste time and money, but also disrupt their hormonal balance and, of course, their health. Well, after that, the problems grow like snowballs. A hair transplant, on the other hand, can solve all of your difficulties with one straightforward treatment. If this is not enough for you to choose a hair transplant over a drug called Dutasteride, there are the five most common reasons for getting a hair transplant.


Self-Esteem Boost

Disliking your appearance is going to lead to a lot of self-esteem troubles for the rest of your life. These self-esteem difficulties can also generate social and professional problems if you are too embarrassed to leave the house. Fortunately, a hair transplant treatment can address all of your issues with self-esteem. You may gladly resume your regular life after your hair comes back.

No negative effects

While there are several medical ways to reverse hair loss like dutasteride which is mentioned above, a transplant procedure is the only one that does not cause serious side effects. Most people can reverse the appearance of hair thinning with dutasteride and other hair loss medications, but they can also result in other health problems. Hair restoration should not result in life-long sickness. A hair transplant is the only option to protect your body and regenerate your hair.

Natural Looking Hair

The days of hair plugs are passed. With the aid of a hair transplant operation, you may grow new hair on your own scalp. This means you will never have any difficulty washing or combing your hair following the transplant surgery. You may even be able to get your favourite haircut again. Living with synthetic hair is more difficult than living with a bare scalp, but that will never be an issue.

Simple and Safe Procedure

There are virtually no risks associated with a hair transplant procedure, so you will have nothing to worry about. A small needle is used to transplant hair follicles from your scalp. This ensures that you never end up with unsightly and uncomfortable scars. You might request a light sedative to aid with your relaxation throughout the process. The lack of discomfort also allows you to return to your routine activities the day following your hair transplant.

If you are experiencing hair loss and are looking for a long-term cure, you may be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. A transplant is just one of the many effective hair restoration treatments provided by the packages at Medical Center Turkey.

Treatment Cost Calculator

“Does Dutasteride Help In Treating Hair Loss?” Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 or 2 Time to return to work 3 days
Operation Time 4-6 hours Recovery 3 days
Anaesthesia Local Anaesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3 days Hospital Stay
Price EUR 1550


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