How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results?

How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results?

How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results? is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results? and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair loss is one of the most common problems for both men and women. Many people who have this problem prefer the ‘hair transplant’ operation. While the interest in hair transplantation is increasing day by day, people are wondering about the process of the procedure, how it is done and what should be paid attention to. Here are the details about hair transplantation…

Hair loss can cause low self-esteem in individuals. Many people who have this problem prefer hair transplantation in order to have a positive life. Hair transplantation is among the most preferred aesthetic operations in recent years. Hair loss, which has been experienced for various reasons since adolescence, can cause a person to feel psychologically uncomfortable. Permanent hair loss may occur due to many reasons such as genetic structure, hormonal problems, environmental factors, stress, diseases and drug use. Today, the most permanent solution to hair loss is hair transplantation.

Hair transplantation is a natural and permanent solution to the problem of thinning and baldness in people with hair loss or hair loss. The process of transferring healthy hair follicles to areas where the hair follicle is no longer active by microsurgical methods is called hair transplantation. In hair transplantation, the patient’s own healthy hair is added to the spilled area. At the same time, hair transplantation is planned individually.

This operation is performed over 6 stages in total. To the person in the operation; Procedures such as preparation, planning, anesthesia, obtaining grafts, opening channels and hair follicle transplantation are performed.

Required shaving in the bald area is performed by the individual or, if possible, by the relevant doctor. From this stage, necessary examinations are made on the scalp in terms of examining the health of the scalp. The most appropriate techniques such as fut or fue are determined by the doctor and the operation process is started. In the Fut method, the grafts are usually collected in bulk and planted in the bald area at the same time. In the Fue method, however, the grafts are collected one by one, and the grafts obtained are reproduced directly in the laboratory environment.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

In this context, the reproduced grafts are carefully transplanted to the bald area one by one with the help of a special and fine-tipped needle.

Consumption of alcohol and natural teas should be avoided 7 days before the hair transplant procedure. It should be acted in accordance with the instructions and warnings of the relevant doctor.

After the operation, smoking, alcohol and natural tea consumption should be avoided for 10 days.

In addition to being a minor surgical operation, hair transplantation is the safest way to be performed by specialist and experienced doctors and team in a hospital environment.

What Causes Hair Loss?

More than one factor can be suggested for the causes of hair loss. Because hair loss, also known as alopecia, can occur due to many different factors. Hair loss is more common in men. However, hair loss can also be seen in women. Hair loss in men usually begins after puberty, that is, from the age of 20. While this situation can sometimes be temporary, sometimes it can progress continuously and cause permanent hair loss, namely baldness. The causes of hair loss can be listed as follows:

Scalp Problems

Skin-related diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne on the scalp, excessive oily scalp, hair fungus and ringworm can cause hair loss. In people who experience hair loss due to these diseases, usually after the underlying disease is treated, hair loss stops and permanent hair loss is not observed. However, neglecting the treatment can lead to negative consequences.

Genetic Poblems

Hair loss may occur due to various gene interactions. Especially in men, hair loss is seen due to genes that are sensitive to some hormones. Hair loss caused by such genetic causes is more prone to become permanent and gradually causes permanent hair loss when left on its own. Generally, as the person gets older, the area of ​​hair loss also expands and baldness begins.

Hair loss is also seen in women due to genetic factors. Having a close relative of the person with baldness is a factor that increases this risk. Stress, malnutrition and hormonal disorders that may accompany genetic predisposition also increase the likelihood of hair loss.

Inadequate and Unbalanced Nutrition

Although malnutrition is overlooked, it is an important cause of hair loss. Consuming fast food, junk food and carbohydrate-heavy foods and not maintaining the protein-fat-carbohydrate balance negatively affect the health of the hair in addition to the body health of the person. When the hair follicles of the person cannot get enough vitamins, they are worn out, have a lifeless appearance and begin to shed.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

Some people do not have sufficient amounts of some minerals and vitamins in their bodies, despite their regular and balanced diet. In this case, the hair follicles of the person weaken and cannot be fed adequately. As a result, hair loss occurs. Vitamins and minerals that have the greatest importance for hair can be listed as B12, Biotin, zinc, folic acid, iron and vitamin D. If the person’s blood test shows low levels of these vitamins and minerals, the person should first change their diet, and if this method does not work, they should start using vitamin and mineral supplements that will be prescribed by the doctor regularly. In this way, it becomes possible to eliminate the problem of hair loss.

Hormone Problems and Various Internal Diseases

The functioning of hormones greatly affects the structure of the hair. After consultation with a specialist doctor and the necessary hormone supplementation, hair loss in the person usually disappears. In addition, rheumatism, thyroid, diabetes and kidney gland diseases can also trigger hair loss. In order to stop hair loss, the underlying cause must be identified and treated.

Psychological Reasons

Although hair loss is a physical condition, it is a condition that can be triggered by psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression. Even diseases that may occur on the scalp, such as eczema, are sometimes caused by excessive stress. People in this situation need to reduce the stress in their lives as much as possible. In cases where the person’s own efforts are insufficient, help from a specialist doctor should be sought.

Hair Loss After Childbirth

Hair loss can be seen in women in the 3 to 6 months postpartum period. This hair loss can sometimes even be excessive. However, it is mostly natural. Because during pregnancy, the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body increase to a great extent. After giving birth, the level of these hormones suddenly drops. As a result of this hormonal imbalance, it is quite possible for the person to experience hair loss. In cases where the hair loss in the person continues for more than 4 – 5 months, the person can apply for the support of the doctor. However, in most people, the problem of hair loss will disappear on its own, as hormone levels will have improved during this time.

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss in women is usually based on genetic factors. Complete baldness in women as in men is very rare. Regional hair loss and thinning of hair are more common. In addition to genetic factors, hair loss can be seen in women in cases such as having recently given birth, iron deficiency, use of birth control pills, hormonal disorders and menopause. At the same time, hair loss can be encountered as a result of damage to the hair strands in women who dye their hair frequently, apply thick braids, hot curling irons and perms to their hair.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss due to genetics, called androgenetic hair loss, is seen in approximately 50% of men. This hair loss in men is usually chronic and progressive. Hair texture gradually thins and begins to thin. Thinning first occurs at the top of the hair. This thinning is followed by regional hair loss. Treatment of this type of hair loss is not possible in a short time and treatment must be continued for many years.

Hair Loss in Children

Hair loss is usually seen starting from the end of puberty and starting from the 20s. However, it can sometimes be seen in children due to various diseases, hormonal disorders or stress-based reasons. The most common cause of hair loss in children is alopecia. This disease can be seen in both girls and boys. Circular gaps of 2 – 3 centimeters form on the scalp of children with alopecia. In cases where alopecia is not treated, it can spread to the entire hair, leaving the person bald, and even spread to the eyebrows and eyelashes in addition to the hair. This type of hair loss that may occur in children is usually at a level that can be treated and a specialist doctor should be consulted without delay.

Cosmetic factors

 The increase in our cosmetic habits are other factors that cause mechanical, chemical and physical spills. In other words, tying the hair tightly, internal bonnets, blow drying processes exposed to excessive heat, dyes used to lighten hair, lighteners, straightening methods cause hair loss by damaging the hair from the outside. In this case, the only treatment is to prevent the hair from being exposed to these applications. Applying the necessary reinforcement and care processes for the hair ensures that the desired appearance is achieved again.

Does Hair Transplant Actually Work?

Hair transplantation is a method that always works and allows new hair to grow. The fact that this process works is not something that is put forward as an allegation. Because it has already been proven that this application works.

This procedure is a medical practice. In this application, in cases where the hair is thinning or baldness occurs, the transplantation process is performed with the roots taken from the areas with healthy hair. After this process, hair begins to grow in areas where there is no hair. There is no case that the application does not work.

This application works for both men and women. The expectations of the people who have the application of this procedure are met. Not everyone who wants to have this procedure is applied at the same rate.

The amount of hair needed by each person varies. There are many situations that should be examined before the procedure. The size of the area to be treated, the health and density of the hair to be donor are the factors affecting the application. After examining these cases, it is determined how many roots will be taken and which method will be applied. A quality result is obtained by choosing the method in which the person will get the healthiest result.

Treatment Cost Calculator

However, there are some cases where hair transplantation cannot be performed. It is recommended that people with chronic diseases do not have this application. It cannot be applied to people with any infectious disease in their body. There is a certain age requirement for the application.

Applications generally do not last more than one day. It is possible to get an effective result after a period of 6 months after these applications. Of course, this period differs from person to person. In addition, the care and care that the person will do after hair transplantation is a situation that increases the quality of the procedure. After the applications, people get healthy and lush looking hair.

How to Maximize Hairtransplant Results?


When the nutrition after hair transplantation is correct, it plays an active role in the successful outcome of the hair transplantation process. The hair follicle is a living cell and is fed with blood. Our blood contains the vitamins our body needs. The quality of our blood accelerates the healing process. In addition, it ensures that the transplanted hair is better quality with less wastage.

After hair transplantation, no more food should be taken to nourish the hair. There is no need to increase the meal. The important thing is to eat properly.

Nutrition is extremely important in increasing the quality of existing hair, reducing hair loss and growing hair faster.

How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results?


One of the answers for the question How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results? is paying attention to what you eat. In your diet after Hair Transplantation; grain, wheat-derived foods should be reduced for 15 days. In addition, animal foods, milk, fermented foods (yogurt, kefir, probiotics, etc.) and pickles should be minimized. Fat is important in this process. However, since animal oils can cause acne, it is better to limit them.

In addition, processed foods, cigarettes, alcohol, hookahs and recreational substances should be avoided.

It is extremely important to stay away from tea and caffeine-containing beverages for three days after the operation for a healthy process.


Vitamin B comes first among the nutritional recommendations that affect our hair health. B vitamins in general; It increases the quality of the hair by nourishing the hair root. It enables the hair growth process to be completed faster. It is abundant in whole grains, legumes, animal foods (eggs, milk, red meat, poultry), dark green leafy foods such as broccoli, spinach, bananas, avocados and citrus foods (oranges, lemons).

B1: Offal, lamb, goat meat, fish (salmon, tuna, trout). Corn, barley, rice, lentils, chickpeas, pasta, yogurt, spinach, carrots, eggplant, beans, parsley, artichokes, peas. It is abundant in cauliflower, corn flakes, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts.

B2: Increases hair quality by feeding blood. It accelerates the hair growth process in daily nutrition. It is found in dairy products, meat, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, artichokes, avocados, peppers, mushrooms, pumpkin, rose hips, hazelnuts and sage.

B3: Protects hair color. It is found in chicken breast, beef and mutton, fish (tuna, salmon, sardines), mushrooms, sunflower seeds, figs, and peas.

B5: Prolongs the anagen phase (life of the hair). It is found in legumes, red meat, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, eggs, milk, cheese. It is also abundant in salmon, shrimp, peanuts, and molasses.

B6: Plays an important role in nutrition, provides cell renewal in the scalp. In addition, since it is an effective nutrient in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, it increases the quality of the scalp. It is found in green leafy vegetables, cereal products, white meat, salmon, ground beef, potatoes, carrots, bananas, milk and cheese.

B7 (Biotin): Reduces skin damage, accelerates healing, and ensures late graying of hair. It provides moisture by increasing keratin. Especially dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, legumes, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, avocados, mushrooms, bananas, nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts are also abundant.

B9 (Folic acid): Provides rapid growth by nourishing the hair. It makes the hair turn white late. It is abundant in whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, beans, dates, walnuts, hazelnuts, egg yolks, milk, cheese and citrus fruits.

B12: It helps hair to grow and grow. It prevents rash and itching on the scalp. Prevents graying of hair. It is found in seafood, beef, kidney, liver, meat, milk and eggs.


3 days after hair transplant

The first three days after the operation are the moments when the healing process begins. For this reason, it is very important that you pay attention especially to the first three days;

It is recommended not to wash your hair for the first three days.

Since sunlight can damage the hair follicles, you should avoid the sun, and if you have to go out in the sun, you should use a wide and comfortable hat.

Tea, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol should not be consumed in the first three days as they will directly affect the healing process.

The first 15 days after sowing

There are some points to be considered during the first 15 days after the operation;

It is recommended to avoid extreme cold and hot environments and water.

You need to stay away from the sun and rain as much as possible.

You can wash your hair using anti-bacterial shampoos or soaps recommended by your doctor.

Regular use of solutions and tonics recommended by your doctor after hair transplantation is very important for the success of the operation.

It is recommended that you do not use hair care products that you do not know or use regularly without consulting your doctor.

Devices such as hair dryers and blow dryers should not be used for a few months after hair transplantation.

During the first 15 days, it is recommended to avoid movements that will shake your scalp and to be gentle with your hair.

Three more tips to maximize hair transplant results

Follow aftercare instructions

If you follow the aftercare steps as recommended by your doctor, your hair transplant recovery process will accelerate and you will be able to get better quality results.

Follow an anti-infection routine

Risk of infection is not a risk that is exclusive to hair transplants. Any surgical procedure or process that requires opening or breaking the skin imposes a threat of a serious microbial invasion.

How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results?


One of the affective solution for How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results? is the PRP method. The application of the PRP procedure during the hair transplantation process is possible at various levels:

  • Reinforcing underserved donors and non-transplanted areas
  • Increasing the transplanted graft yield rate
  •  Increasing the procedural graft rate
  •  Healing donor and recipient areas

The use of calcium chloride and thrombin is to activate PRP in many cases, usually before washing the treated area. In this way, growth factors increase the efficiency of newly planted follicles. You can learn more about PRP by clicking here.


How To Maximize Hair Transplant Results? Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 or 2 Time to return to work 3 days
Operation Time 4-6 hours Recovery 3 days
Anaesthesia Local Anaesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3 days Hospital Stay
Price EUR 1550



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