How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about the kidney transplant surgery. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure in which a new and healthy donor kidney is placed into the patient’s body. A new kidney can come from a living or deceased donor. Our kidneys are located on each side of the spine, right below the rib cage. Their job is to filter the blood and produce urine by removing waste, minerals, and fluid from the body. If kidneys are not working properly a kidney transplant may be needed.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

Who needs a kidney transplant?

People with chronic kidney disease or end-stage renal failure get a kidney transplant. Suppose kidneys are not working as they should. In that case, harmful levels of fluid and waste will accumulate in the body, which can raise blood pressure and result in kidney failure. The end-stage renal disease occurs when the kidneys have lost about 90% of their ability. Common causes of end-stage kidney disease include:

  • Diabetes
  • Chronic uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis, which is an inflammation that will damage the tiny filters within the kidney
  • Polycystic kidney disease.

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery


A kidney transplant aims to replace the nonworking kidney with a new one. It will improve the patient’s quality of life and lower the risk of death. It will also allow fewer dietary restrictions.

Who can be a candidate for a kidney transplant?

People who have :

  • End-stage renal failure and are on dialysis
  • Late-stage chronic kidney disease
  • A life expectancy of at least five years can be a candidate for a kidney transplant. Conditions like severe heart disease, active or recently treated cancer, dementia, and alcohol or drug abuse may prevent the person from being eligible for a kidney transplant.

What is the best age for a kidney transplant?

Most kidney transplant recipients are between the ages of 45 and 65, but there is no upper age limit. To have good results, the donor’s age should be close to the patient’s age.

How many kidney transplants can a person have?

A person can have multiple kidney transplants in their lifetime. Please discuss details regarding kidney transplants with your doctor.

Is a kidney transplant better than dialysis?

Of course, both options have advantages and disadvantages, but a kidney transplant is preferred if the patient has chronic kidney disease because prolonged dialysis can be taxing. Also, studies show that people with kidney transplants live longer with a better quality of life.

What are the types of kidney transplants?

There are three types of kidney transplants:

Deceased-donor kidney transplant

In this type of kidney transplant, a kidney is taken from a person who has recently died. Their kidney is removed after approval from the family is given. The kidney is stored on ice or connected to a machine providing oxygen and nutrients until it is transplanted into the patient. The donor and recipient are usually close in proximity to reduce the time the kidney is outside the human body.

Living-donor kidney transplant

During a living-donor kidney transplant, a kidney is taken from a living person. It will provide better short and long-term survival rates.

Preemptive kidney transplant

Unlike other types, a preemptive kidney transplant is done before the patient’s kidney looses its function. It is most beneficial among children and adolescents with end-stage kidney disease. However, it may lead to early exposure to the risks associated with surgery and potentially waste native kidney function.

What are the risks of a kidney transplant?

The risks of kidney transplant surgery are the same as any surgery. It may lead to bleeding, infection, or breathing problems. In addition, this surgery is not a 100% cure. Some kidney diseases may come back even after a transplant. Furthermore, the recipient may reject the donor organ, or there may be some side effects due to the anti-rejection medications, known as immunosuppressants. A kidney transplant is a serious surgery that must be thought through with the doctor, family, and friends. To learn how much a kidney transplant surgery is, please continue reading.

What are the complications of the surgery?

These are the potential complications:

  • Bleeding
  • Leakage from the tube that links the kidney to the bladder
  • Infection
  • Failure or rejection of the donor organ
  • Passing on of an infection or cancer from the donor organ
  • Death
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke.

What are the side effects of anti-rejection medication?

After a kidney transplant, your doctor will prescribe you anti-rejection medications to help your body from rejecting the donor’s kidney. However, these medications can cause various side effects, including bone thinning, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. They can further increase the risk of cancer, infections, weight gain, or acne. Please follow your doctor’s instructions while using these medications.

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery

How to prepare for the surgery?

Choose a transplant center after deciding with your doctor that you require a kidney transplant. Your insurance company will provide you with a list of preferred providers. Preferably, learn the number and type of transplants the center performs. Also, ask about the center’s survival rates. Remember to also ask about the costs of the tests, organ procurement, surgery, hospital stays, and transportation to and from the transplant center.

After choosing the center, you will be evaluated to see if you meet the requirements of the center. They will assess your medical and current health conditions. These assessments may include the following:

  • A physical exam
  • X-rays, MRI, or CT scans
  • Blood tests
  • Psychological evaluation.

How to know if a kidney is suitable for you?

A kidney donor can be living or deceased, related or unrelated to the patient. Whether the donor is deceased or alive, some tests will be required to understand if the donor’s kidney is suitable for the recipient.

First, a blood typing test will be conducted in which the blood types of both donor and recipient will be examined. It is much preferable to get a kidney from a donor whose blood type is the same as the recipient.

The second test is tissue typing. If the blood types are compatible, the next step is human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. It compares genetic markers that will decide whether the transplanted donor will last long or not.

The last test is known as crossmatching. Small samples of the donor’s and recipient’s blood are mixed in the lab to see whether the recipient’s antibodies will react against specific antigens in the donor’s blood. A negative result means that they are compatible, and the recipient’s body will likely accept the donor’s kidney.


How does living kidney donation happen?

For living kidney donation, family members are preferred for compatibility. In some cases, unrelated people, such as friends, and co-workers, can also be a donor. Suppose a compatible living donor is not available. In that case, the patient’s name will be placed on a waiting list for a deceased-donor kidney. The waiting list is long due to the shortage of avaliable kidneys.

How does the surgery happen?

Kidney transplant surgery happens under general anesthesia. The surgical team monitors your heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen level during the surgery.

During the surgery, the surgeon will make an incision in the lower part of one side of the abdomen and place the new kidney into the body. Then, the blood vessels of the new kidney will be joined to the blood vessels in the lower part of the abdomen. Lastly, the new kidney’s ureter will be connected to the bladder.

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery

What happens after the procedure?

After the surgery, the patient will spend several days in the hospital. They will be watched to prevent any complications. The new kidney will make urine like the patient’s kidneys did when they were healthy, but this may take some time, and the patient may need dialysis until this happens. Other than that, soreness or pain around the incision site is expected. Most patients return to their daily life within eight weeks after the transplant surgery. Patients should also avoid lifting heavy objects and exercise until the wound is healed. In addition, patients should go through regular check-ups for close monitoring to ensure they are not rejecting the new kidney.

What to avoid after surgery?

Other than avoiding exercising and lifting heavy objects, some food and drinks should also be not consumed. Tips regarding after the surgery are,

  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water for a successful recovery. Also, try to limit caffeine which contributes to dehydration.
  • Avoid raw or uncooked foods because they will put you at risk due to your weakened immune system.
  • Eat plenty of protein because protein helps build up muscles and recover weight loss.
  • Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice because they can cause a strong reaction with medications that suppress the immune system.
  • Do not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can cause kidney dysfunction.
  • Do not take certain vitamins and herbal supplements because they may interact with the medications given after the surgery.

How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery

What is the kidney transplant success rate?

In people over the age of 65, the success rate is 81.6%, whereas in people between the ages of 35 and 49, the success rate increases to 90.9%.

How long can a person live after a kidney transplant?

The average life expectancy of a patient after a kidney transplant surgery is 12 to 20 years if it is from a living donor. This number decreases to 8 to 12 years if it is from a deceased donor.

Kidney transplant has a rich history in Turkey since 1975. Since then, several successful kidney transplants have happened in Turkey. In Turkey, people over 18 are eligible to donate a kidney. Still, the surgery is even possible for children under one year old. A child with kidney developmental disorder can get a kidney from the mother.

The donor must be related to the recipient, such as a spouse, relative, or friend, and they should be healthy and free from diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, and any other organ failure. Most transplants happen from a living donor and happen if the patients have end-stage chronic renal disease. In the case of a deceased transplant, it should be written by the deceased before death or by some close relative.

Turkey is an attractive choice for anyone considering kidney transplantation, offering a blend of quality, affordability, and convenience that is hard to match elsewhere.

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Can a foreigner get a kidney transplant in Turkey?

Kidney transplantation to a foreign patient is done exclusively from a living relative up to the fourth degree of the relationship. A close family friend can also become a donor. There should be official documents proving the relationship.

Kidney transplant cost starts from 21.000 USD in Turkey. A deceased donor kidney transplant starts from 23,000 USD, while a living donor kidney transplant starts from 25,500 USD. By getting a kidney transplant surgery, you can be sure that you will be happy with the results thanks to the well-equipped and knowledgeable doctors of Turkey. 

“How Much Is a Kidney Transplant Surgery’’ Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number
Several times
Time to return to work
6-8 weeks
Operation Time
About 4 hours
6 weeks
General Anaesthesia Hospital Stay 8-10 days


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