How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery?
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery? is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery? and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;
- Hair Transplant
- Causes Of Hair Loss
- Things to Consider Before Hair Transplant
- Things to Consider After Hair Transplant
- What Happens After Hair Transplantation?
- Does hair transplant hurt?
- How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery?
- Will It Look Natural?
Hair Transplant
The only permanent way to regain completely lost hair follicles is the hair transplant method. Hair follicles are destroyed as a result of hair loss due to genetic or external factors (or the combined effect of both factors). The permanent solution of baldness due to this is the microsurgical intervention preferred by patients since the 90s. hair transplantation; It is the process of taking hair follicles (grafts) from the nape area behind the two ears, which we call the donor area, and transplanting them to the desired area. This area where the hair follicles are taken is called the donor area and genetically, the destruction of the hair follicles in the donor area can only be seen in very rare cases. The donor area may lose its quality of being a donor due to external factors such as physical trauma, accident, burning, exposure to harmful chemicals.
Contrary to popular belief, hair transplantation is a complicated application. It is indispensable for the operation that the transplanted hair looks natural and that the area where we take the hair follicles is not damaged, and this affects the density and appearance of the hair that grows after transplantation. Therefore, it is a process that must be carried out under the management of a team of experts in the field.
From past to present, hair has been an important factor for both men and women. Depending on whether the hair is thick or sparse, the self-confidence level of the person also increases or decreases. In addition to all these, a healthy hair has become a way to look attractive and strong to the opposite sex today. For this reason, hair loss causes loss of self-confidence and some psychological problems in recent years.
Causes Of Hair Loss
The main causes of hair loss are genetic factors, excessive weight gain and loss, pregnancy and hormonal changes in women, nutritional disorders, drugs used, gender and aging. The biggest cause of hair loss in men is androgen-related hair loss, which we call male pattern hair loss. Especially in people with genetic predisposition, as a result of the increase in androgen hormone after puberty, hair strands sensitive to this hormone become thinner and fall out after a while. This shedding usually occurs in the upper and apex of the scalp.
Another situation that causes hair loss is the excessive use of hair cosmetic products such as foam, gel, hair spray. Such products kill the follicles in the hair follicles over time and your hair starts to fall out. Unhealthy diet and especially diets without protein can cause hair loss. Protein is of great importance for hair growth. For this reason, we recommend that you eat a protein-based diet after hair transplantation.
Things to Consider Before Hair Transplant
- Stopping alcohol consumption one week before the procedure or reducing it as much as possible will ensure that the hair transplant operation and the post-operative recovery process are healthy.
- It is recommended to cut down on beverages such as coffee and energy drinks containing high amounts of caffeine/taurine one week before the procedure or to minimize their consumption.
- Cessation or minimization of cigarette consumption at least one week before the procedure is highly recommended in the context of recovery.
- It is recommended that those who use blood thinners (anticoagulants) notify their physician and interrupt or reduce the drugs in line with their physician’s recommendations one week before the operation.
- It is recommended that those who use blood coagulation drugs should notify their physician and interrupt or reduce the drugs in line with the physician’s recommendations one week before the operation.
- It is recommended that those who have diabetes, blood pressure or any other chronic disease should inform their physician.
- Except for the possible recommendations of your doctor a maximum of one week before the day of the procedure; hair serum, hair gel, briantine, wax (hair polish), styling conditioner, tonic etc. It is recommended that you stop using the products.
- It is recommended that you choose wide clothing that will not rub against your scalp while wearing/removing it on the day of the procedure, or that you wear a shirt that does not come off your neck, and that you dress comfortably and bring spare clothes with you, since the procedure is a relatively long procedure.
- If you have a vacation plan in the near future after the operation, you will need to talk to your doctor and make the planning after the transplantation.
Things to Consider After Hair Transplant
The most important points to be considered after the procedure are the instructions and warnings to be conveyed to you by your physician. Including those on this website; Do not forget that any information you come across on the internet cannot be more valuable than the instructions and warnings your doctor gives you! Do not hesitate to ask any questions you can think of to your doctor and transplant team before and after transplanting.
- Until one week after the procedure, it is recommended to cut down on alcohol and beverages such as coffee and energy drinks containing high amounts of caffeine/taurine, or to minimize their consumption.
- It is recommended to cut tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars or to minimize consumption until one week after the procedure.
- After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash the hair for the first three days unless your doctor has directed you to the contrary.
- It is not recommended to enter the Turkish bath, sauna, steam room, and pool for the first three months unless your doctor has directed you to the contrary after the procedure.
- Extreme heat, extreme cold and extremely humid environments should be avoided, especially for 15 days after the procedure.
- It is recommended that you do not swim for 1.5 months after the procedure unless your doctor directs you to the contrary and that you protect the transplanted area well from the sun for the first 3 months (not sunbathing, and also use protective creams and equipment if your doctor recommends it).
- Intense physical activity (cardio/fitness/intense weight lifting/strength training, physical work, etc.) should be avoided for the first 1 month after the procedure. Even if these activities are to be performed in the first 3 months, they should only be done with the guidance of your physician and with care.
- It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse for the first 15 days after the procedure.
- After hair transplantation, many people instinctively show the behavior of controlling the transplanted area or the donor area by touching them with their hands. This behavior should be avoided, especially in the first month.
What Happens After Hair Transplantation?
For the first three days after sowing, the donor area (nape area) is wrapped with a bandage, and the transplanted area should be left open. Especially in the first week, the hair transplant area should be protected from trauma. Slight bleeding may occur after the procedure. This is normal. Crusting starts from the second day of sowing. There is no harm in lying on the bandaged nape area. Crusting can be seen in the planting area for 8-10 days. These crusts are thin crusts that look like dandruff and disappear with washing. After 10 days, these crusts disappear completely. Leaving the transplanted area open is important in terms of accelerating healing. However, it should not be exposed to the sun’s rays too much.
Shock shedding is observed in the process after hair transplantation. These spills are usually seen between the 2nd week and the 2nd month and are normal. As a result of shedding, only a few hairs remain in the transplanted area. Sometimes there may be numbness and numbness in the head.
At the end of 3 months, the shock shedding process ends and the transplanted hair begins to grow. It can be observed that the newly emerging hair strands are curly due to the adaptation process and it is a normal situation. The newly emerging hair strands will be straightened between 6 months and 1 year and you will achieve the desired appearance.
Does a hair transplant hurt?
No pain or pain is felt during the hair transplant operation because the hair transplant treatment is performed by applying local anesthesia. Thanks to local anesthesia, the donor area and the planting area become numb and the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. At the end of the treatment, when the effect of anesthesia wears off, pain in the head area may begin to occur. These pains are also relieved with pain relievers given after the operation. After hair transplantation, it is recommended to use the prescribed pain relievers in the first week after the operation, even if the pain is not felt. In this way, patients experience a comfortable treatment process by minimizing pain and aches.
If you want to get more detailed information about our packages related to this treatment, you can contact us. Just click on the link below.
Is Pain and Pain Felt During Local Anesthesia?
Today, developing technology, applied techniques, and anesthetic drugs have made hair transplantation an extremely comfortable and painless treatment method. Local anesthesia is applied under the scalp using a very fine needle. Thus, numbness of the head area is ensured. During the application of local anesthesia, a small pain may be felt due to a needle sticking under the skin. At this stage, it is very important to inform the patient in detail about the treatment process and to prepare the patient mentally for the process.
In order to make the hair transplant process painless and hassle-free, attention should be paid to where and by whom the procedure will be performed. Since hair transplantation is a surgical procedure, operating room conditions must be provided for anesthetic procedures, pain control, and transplantation, and the procedure must be performed by a medical doctor.
After the hair transplant operation is done in the right clinics, it is possible to return to the normal life routine in a short time. In the first weeks after the operation, redness, tenderness, and mild pain may occur in the head area. It is also possible to have a more comfortable recovery process with doctor follow-up and the medications given after hair transplantation. Considering all these points, hair transplantation is an extremely painless and safe procedure when done in the right place and by the right people.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery?
The person who has the transplant wants to get his new look as soon as possible. It is not correct to say a clear time on this issue, as the duration of the transplanted hair may vary from person to person. However, as seen in people who have had hair transplantation, it takes approximately 10-12 months for the final result to be seen in the hair.
Most patients see results between six and nine months after surgery. For some patients, it takes 12 months. It’s important to know that between two and eight weeks after the surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out. This is normal.
Will It Look Natural?
The hairline is the line that the hair forms around the face. In the natural hair structure, the hair creates an indented, personalized line around the face, just like a map. The hair does not grow heavily from the forehead. It starts infrequently and continues by concentrating on the head. If the hair starts to grow hard and densely just above the forehead, it causes a brush-like appearance. If the forehead is too narrow or wide, it also causes an unnatural appearance. Criteria such as age factor and general facial structure are very important in designing the front hairline.
In short, in order for the hair to look natural, the hair design and transplantation process should be planned individually. For this, 3D design devices are used. Before hair transplantation, a three-dimensional design is made on the images of the patient. And the patient goes into the operation knowing what it will look like. He will not encounter any bad surprises after the hair transplant.
If you want to get more detailed information about this surgery, just click on the link below. We are always ready to help you.
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Hair Transplant Surgery? Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)
Operation Number | 1 or more | Time to return to work | 7 days |
Operation Time | 4-8 hours | Recovery | 2-5 days |
Anaesthesia | Local Anesthesia | Persistence of Results | Permanent |
Sensitivity Time | 7-14 days | Hospital Stay | 1 night |
Price | €1550 |