Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know

Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know

Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

What Is Afro Hair Transplant?

Afro-hair transplantation is a hair transplantation procedure performed on people with thick and dense Afro-textured hair with frequent curls and folds. Afro hair transplantation is more difficult compared to other hair transplantation methods. This is because Afro hair has curly hair follicles, and it is challenging to remove the hair follicles carefully and without damaging them during the process. It also takes up much more space than straight hair. However, this does not obstruct Afro-hair transplantation. It is possible to obtain an effective result by using the genetic characteristics of the hair.

Afro Hair Transplant Methods

To obtain effective, natural, and full-looking results during the Afro hair transplantation process, it is essential to apply appropriate hair transplantation procedures that require special techniques and attention. Two types of methods are used in Afro hair transplantation.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a widely used technique in hair transplantation. The FUE technique involves harvesting hair follicles using a special micro-drilling tool without making any incisions on the patient’s scalp. Since these roots are transplanted to the areas affected by hair loss, the procedure takes a little longer. With this technique, follicles are removed carefully and do not damage the surrounding tissues. Additionally, it minimizes scar formation and allows the transplanted hair to grow in its natural state. Therefore, it is very suitable for Afro-hair transplantation.

The FUE hair transplantation technique takes place in three stages. In the first stage, hair follicles and grafts are collected, paying attention to the direction of growth. In the second stage, channels are opened where the hair follicles will be placed. In the final stage, hair transplantation is performed.

FUE technique is named differently depending on the way it is applied, such as Micro FUE, Sapphire FUE, and Soft FUE.

In the micro FUE technique, hair follicles are removed using equipment with thinner micro tips than standard tools. For this reason, it can be said to be an advanced version of the traditional FUE method. However, the procedure time is longer than standard FUE. In the sapphire FUE technique, hair transplantation is performed with the help of sapphire blades, which cause less crusting and are more effective. Standard FUE techniques are used to remove hair follicles. In soft FUE hair transplantation, hair follicles are transplanted using special tools and some medications to prevent any trauma that may occur in the grafts. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Choosing the most appropriate method among FUE options may vary depending on factors such as the patient’s hair characteristics and needs and the surgeon’s expertise.

FUE hair transplantation technique is advantageous since it can also be used on areas such as eyebrows, beards, and mustaches, hair transplantation can be performed using hair follicles in the chest and leg areas, even in people who have completely lost their hair. Also, the procedure is painless and the most natural appearance is achieved with this method.

Direct Hair Transplantation (DHI) is a technique that has become increasingly popular nowadays. The biggest difference of this technique from other methods is that the hair follicles are placed in the procedure area using a special pen-like device. Additionally, this technique minimizes the risk of possible trauma.

In the DHI technique, the patient’s general condition is first examined and the situation is determined. Then, a design process is carried out in which a hairline suitable for the patient’s head structure is determined. After this stage, local anesthesia is applied to the patient, and hair transplantation is performed in accordance with the DHI technique.

Through the special device used in the DHI technique, it is advantageous that the risk of graft damage is low, it offers the opportunity to create a natural hairline, it does not require a recipient area, and the risk of infection is less thanks to the closed implantation technique.


Afro-textured hair is often more prone to certain types of hair loss, such as traction alopecia caused by tight braids, and styled hairstyles, or chemical treatments. Afro hair loss, affected by genetic factors, aging, and medical conditions, can be seen in both men and women. You can check out before and after photos of ou hair transplants from our Instagram account.


How Long Does It Take To Get Results?

Depending on the new hair transplanted area the growth rate of the hair alters. Compared to other areas, hair transplanted to the front grows faster. In areas with less blood circulation, growth takes longer. The first stage after Afro hair transplantation is the shedding stage. Your transplanted roots will fall out within 2-3 weeks after the procedure is completed. However, this is normal, and you do not need to worry. Throughout the first few (3-4) months, the first growth phase, consisting mostly of thin hair, is observed. At this stage, some follicles may be in the growth phase. Therefore, the newly transplanted area may appear uneven. Although such a growth may demoralize some people, it means that the hair follicles are healthy and the procedure results as expected. Starting from the fourth month, hair growth accelerates and becomes noticeable. As new hair continues to grow and thicken over the 9-12 months, your hair density increases amply. On average, the transplanted hair takes one year to reach its full and dense final appearance. After the hair transplantation procedure is completed, the duration of hair growth may vary from person to person. In some people, this period can last up to 18 months.

Unfortunately, there is no formula to grow your hair quickly after Afro hair transplantation. To get the best results, continue reading Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know and learn how to care for your hair after hair transplantation.


To achieve effective results after Afro hair transplantation, you should take good care of your hair and be careful when moving your head. After Afro hair transplantation, you should wait a few days (2-5) before washing your hair to keep the operation area dry. You should be careful not to bend your head to protect it. You should keep your head up even when you are in a sleeping or sitting position. For this, you can use a bandage to help fix your hair follicles. You should use the medications your doctor prescribes to contribute to the healing process and follow his instructions. After Afro hair transplantation, you should stay in touch with your doctor and visit for regular check-ups. You should dress small wounds that may occur in the treated area of your hair daily to keep them clean and hygienic. After Afro hair transplantation, crusts may form during the healing process. However, this is not something you need to worry about. Therefore, you should wait for the crusts to fall off on their own. You should also be careful about UV rays after the operation. You can wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun, thus preventing irritation of the procedure area. You should pay attention to your nutrition by consuming foods rich in minerals and vitamins. In this way, you will help your hair grow healthier and faster.


Afro hair transplantation can be applied without any problems to many people who want to prevent hair loss. However, in some cases, hair transplantation may not be possible.

In order to successfully apply Afro hair transplantation, the hair density in the donor area must be sufficient and healthy. If this condition is not satisfied, the transaction cannot be performed.

Afro-hair transplantation does not give the same results for every patient because everyone’s hair type, quality, and density are unique. For this reason, you should not have unrealistic expectations based on the photos you see before the procedure. In addition, your scalp must be healthy to have an Afro hair transplant.

If you have chronic diseases, Afro-hair transplantation may be a problem. Using blood thinners in the treatment of cardiovascular disease has the danger of causing excessive bleeding during the hair transplantation operation. For this reason, afro hair transplantation is not performed on such patients. In addition, afro hair transplantation is not preferred for diabetic patients who have problems with blood clotting due to possible complications. In hepatitis and AIDS diseases, immunity is very hypo, and the body is vulnerable. That’s why even little wounds take time to heal. In addition, to have afro hair transplantation, you must not have any pathogens in your blood. If you have Hepatitis C, you can never have this procedure done.

If hair loss occurs due to mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the person must first be treated psychologically. Afterwards, you can meet with a specialist surgeon to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for Afro hair transplantation.

Seasonal changes, dry scalp, weight loss, stress, some medications (steroids, etc.), chemotherapy, and radiotherapy may cause temporary hair loss. Sometimes these situations can trigger permanent hair loss. You can ascertain whether your hair loss is temporary or permanent by consulting a specialist. If your hair loss is because of a temporal reason, you may not be a suitable candidate for afro hair transplantation.

Who Can’t Have Afro Hair Transplant?

Afro hair transplantation is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding because hormonal changes affect the hair structure and hair transplantation is not a medically necessary or urgent procedure. This is because the healing process can create distressing situations for both the mother and the fetus.

Afro hair transplantation

Ages when hair loss becomes more stable are more preferred for afro hair transplantation. This procedure is not recommended because hair loss continues at young ages.

What Are The Benefits Of Afro Hair Transplant?

Afro-hair transplantation has many benefits for you. First of all, replacing your lost hair with vibrant and full hair beautifies your appearance and increases your self-confidence. In addition, since the results are very close to natural, you will be satisfied. Afro hair transplantation provides a long-term and permanent solution against hair loss. The hair follicles transplanted during the operation are resistant to the hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Therefore, the transplanted hair does not fall out. The techniques used in Afro hair transplantation create very minor scars and this situation is temporary.

What Are The Complications Of Hair Transplant?

Afro-hair transplantation has complications similar to other hair transplantation methods but requires more time and care. The skin of people with Afro fur is richer in melanin. Therefore, keloid scars (irregular, raised excess healing tissue formed by extension collagen produced by the body after wound healing) are more likely to form. The angled and curved structure of Afro hair follicles not only complicates the application process but also increases the risk of ingrown hairs. It can also cause inflammation or infection in the hair follicles. Another side effect of Afro hair transplantation is itching. When the wound begins to heal after the procedure, in the infected areas, you may be feeling itching. However, it is necessary to be careful not to scratch in order not to damage the newly transplanted hair follicles. Additionally, scratching the injured area may cause bleeding. Apart from this, some bleeding may be observed in FUE and DHI treatments.

What Is The Cost Of Hair Transplant?

To find out the cost of the operation in the article titled Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know, read the paragraph below containing price information.

Similar to other countries, the cost of Afro hair transplantation in Turkey may vary depending on various factors. The technique used in Afro hair transplantation may affect the cost. DHI hair transplantation technique may be more expensive than others. Additionally, depending on the amount of hair loss, the number of grafts used during the procedure also affects the cost. Using more grafts increases the cost. In addition, well-known clinics with experienced surgeons demand higher fees due to their reputation. Some clinics in Turkey even offer package deals to their patients. In addition to the operation, it provides additional services to patients such as transportation and accommodation. In addition, the care materials and medications required after the Afro hair transplantation procedure may be costly for you. The average cost of Afro hair transplantation in Turkey varies, check out our cost calculator.

Treatment Cost Calculator

Afro Hair Transplants: All You Need to Know Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 or 2 Time to return to work 3 days
Operation Time 4-6 hours Recovery 3 days
Anesthesia Local Anaesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3 days Hospital Stay
Price EUR 1,550

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