How Much Is Body Contouring?
How Much Is Body Contouring? is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about how much is body contouring. We kindly shared the main headings with you;
What is body contouring?
Body contouring is also known as body sculpting. It is a medical or surgical process intended to change a body part. It can be done to remove extra skin, get rid of excess fat, and reshape or contour an area of the body. This procedure is not done to lose weight. Instead, it aims to help reshape the body and eliminate extra sagged skin after a high amount of weight loss.
What procedures may be involved?
Body contouring procedures may involve:
- Arm lift
- Breast lift
- Facelift
- Lower body lift
- Medial thigh lift
- Tummy tuck
An arm lift will correct the sagging skin of the upper arms. A breast lift will correct the flattened breasts and lift them up. A facelift will lift the mid-face, jowls, and neck. A lower body lift consists of lifting the abdomen, buttocks, and inner and outer thighs. A medial thigh lift will correct the sagging of the inner thigh. Lastly, a tummy tuck will remove the extra skin and fat on the abdomen.
How much fat will be lost?
With each treatment, a patient can lose between 20% and 80% of fat in the treated area.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments needed will depend on the number of areas the patient wants to correct, the volume of fat in that area, and the size of the site. The needed treatment amount will be decided after a doctor’s examination. Each non-surgical treatment will take about 35 minutes whereas, surgical treatments can take from 4 to 6 hours.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.
Who can be a candidate for body contouring?
Although women mainly prefer body sculpting , it is not limited to them. Men can also get this procedure. But not everyone can go through this. A patient who is an adult with stable weight loss, healthy and does not have a medical condition that will affect the healing process, does not smoke, has realistic goals, and can lead a healthy lifestyle and diet can get body contouring.
What are the types of body contouring?
Not everybody’s contouring procedure requires surgery. Non-surgical body contouring types are:
In cryolipolysis, freezing temperatures are used in order to destroy fat cells. It basically freezes fat cells to death.
Injection lipolysis
This method uses deoxycholic acid to degrade the fat cells.
Laser lipolysis
Lasers are used in laser lipolysis to destroy fat cells.
Radiofrequency lipolysis
Lastly, radiofrequency lipolysis involves ultrasound waves and heat to kill the fat cells.
For surgical contouring types,
Lifts and tucks
This procedure removes extra fat and skin. As mentioned above, tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, facelift, breast lift, and double chin surgery are in the class of lifts and tucks.
In comparison, suction is used in liposuction to remove excess fat from the desired area, such as the stomach, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. To learn how much body contouring costs, please keep reading.
Why to do body contouring?
Body sculpting is usually done to a specific area of the body. People prefer this procedure to please themselves about their physical appearance, to sculpt their bodies, and feel thinner. It is mostly chosen by people who can not achieve the desired physical look despite a diet and exercise, women who experienced change in their body after a pregnancy, or people who are experiencing body change after obesity surgery. Surgical contouring procedures can also lead to a smoother and younger look. In addition, it is preferred when there is saggy or wrinkled skin. Other than these reasons, although there are many defined body shapes like an hourglass, pear, or apple, every person has a unique body shape, but nowadays, people are trying to get a body like an hourglass due to the world’s beauty standards. This can also be a reason.
What type of body contouring is best?
The best type of contouring is liposuction. It is a cosmetic surgery performed under general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon will make an incision with a scalpel during the surgery. Then, a cannula which is a sharp and hollow tube, will be inserted into the incision. This tube will stab the fat cells and break them down. Destroyed fat cells will then be removed manually through the cannula using suction.
Regarding non-surgical options, coolsculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is the most popular treatment among others. Cryolipolysis is an award-winning technique that will even reduce stubborn fat pockets that resist exercise regimens. During the treatment, the body will be exposed to unique cooling panels, which will freeze and eliminate targeted fat cells. Once the fat cells are frozen, they will be drained by the endocrine system and exit the body as urine.
What is the process before body contouring?
After deciding on contouring your body, a plastic surgeon should be seen to discuss the patient’s desires, medical history, current health condition, medication, alcohol, and tobacco use. The doctor will examine the patient, mark the areas on the body with a pen, and mention their recommendations. After telling the patient about the risks and possible complications and how anesthesia will work, the patient will sign a consent form. The consent form will permit the healthcare professional to do the surgery, which can take hours. A blood sample can be drawn depending on the type of contouring procedure. Also, if the patient smokes or takes any medications, the doctor will ask them to stop doing these things.
What happens after body contouring?
Usually, the patient will be discharged from the hospital the same day. It is recommended that someone else picks the patient up and takes care of them during their first night if surgery happens because there may be thin tubes near the incisions for draining fluid and preventing swelling. The patient should care for the tubes and regularly change the bandages. The patient should not move too much but still needs to move around in order to prevent blood clotting. If any complications were discussed before the procedure, they should be reported to the doctor. Too much sun exposure should be avoided. Lastly, prescribed medications should be taken. If the contouring did not involve any surgery, the patient would be discharged right after the procedure. Because there are no incisions, the patient can continue their daily life.
What are the advantages of body contouring?
Advantages are:
- People will have a more well-shaped body after the procedure.
- The appearance will be more young, thin, and smooth.
- There are minimal side effects.
- It is effective in fat burning, muscle strengthening, and toning the body.
- Results after the procedure will be natural looking and can be maintained by sticking to a healthy diet and exercise.
- Results after a surgical procedure will be more noticeable. In contrast, if the procedure was not done by surgery, it may take a few weeks or months to see a difference.
What are the risks of the surgery?
Although it is rare to see complications, every surgery has some risks. For example:
- Asymmetry can be seen after the surgery, where both sides do not look the same.
- Bleeding or blood clots can occur.
- Complications from anesthesia, like nausea, vomiting, or difficulty in waking up, can be seen.
- Some nerves, blood vessels, muscles, or organs can be damaged during the operation.
- Hair near the incision can be lost.
- Some incisions may not heal very well and may cause infection. If a nerve is damaged during the surgery, weakness or numbness can be observed.
- Some pain and swells may last longer than usual.
- Finally, the patient may not be happy with the results, and this can lead to a follow-up surgery.
When contouring is done without surgery, the risks that can be observed are rash, pain or soreness, red skin, swelling, and unsatisfactory results. Please, be careful when choosing a plastic surgeon to avoid these risks and get good results after the surgery.
How much time does recovery take?
If the contouring procedure requires surgery, healing can take weeks to months, depending on the work done during the surgery and the incisions. Non-surgical procedures take less time to recover, which enables the patient to move on with their everyday life right after the treatment.
How long does body contouring last?
Body sculpting gives long-term results. The results can last from five to ten years. Fat cells that prevent the patient from losing weight or being their best version are destroyed. Thus, the results of the procedure can be permanent. With non-surgical methods, multiple treatments may be needed to achieve the maximum results. Non-surgical methods can remove approximately 25% of fat from the area. Results will last long with a healthy diet and exercise because destroyed fat cells will not grow back.
In what cases should the doctor be seen?
In some cases, the doctor should be contacted. For example, if the incision is bleeding, draining, or red and swollen. Or if the patient is experiencing chest pain, dizziness, high fever, severe pain, and nausea. The patient should contact their doctor immediately to prevent further complications in these conditions.
How is body contouring done in Turkey?
Body contouring is done for patients older than 18 who have a 30 or lower body mass index and can not lose fat by exercising. If the treatment involves fat injection, the patient should be suitable for fat intake.
Body contouring surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery may take four to six hours, depending on the type. Usually, breast reduction and breast lift, tummy tuck and belt lipectomy, breast reduction/ lift and arm lift, tummy tuck/ belt lipectomy, and butt lift are made in the same surgery.
Although the patient can be discharged on the same day of the surgery, in Turkey, patients are discharged after one or two days. Patients will wear body-supporting clothes like a corset, bra, or elastic bandage. These clothes will be worn for the first week without any breaks. During the second week, supportive clothing can be taken off for 3-4 hours. Usually, patients will be allowed to return to their daily routine after five days.
Why do body contouring in Turkey?
Turkey is a developing country that is very successful in medicine and plastic surgery. It is an affordable alternative to other countries. Although the cost is reasonable, the quality is very high. In addition, several body sculpting techniques are used, including surgical and non-surgical ones. By coming to Turkey, you can also discover Turkey’s famous attractions, welcoming and warm culture, and benefit from other extra services offered by clinics, such as hospitality and escort. You can be sure that with the high level of safety and security, you will be pleased with your results and the overall process.