Female Rhinoplasty In Turkey

Female Rhinoplasty in Turkey

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Nose Aesthetics; Nose is not done much in plastic surgeries. The purpose of this process is to own the personal use of the person and for a use that is liked by him. The game that will come out of the training through the nose needs to be determined by benefiting from the game and comparing the preferences. It is important to reshape, reshape and get up.

Deformities in the nose sometimes disturb the person with aesthetic concerns, and sometimes they can cause respiratory problems. This is where ankara rhinoplasty surgeries come into play. This aesthetic intervention, called rhinoplasty, is the surgery performed to correct the deformity of the nose or to give the nose area an aesthetically more harmonious appearance with the face. Rhinoplasty is one of the most performed plastic surgeries in our country. Sometimes, only the cartilage tissue in the nose is intervened, and sometimes it may be necessary to intervene in the nasal bone. Rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed with many different techniques.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

Female Rhinoplasty In Turkey


The earliest records found about nose surgery point to the Ancient Egypt period. There is some information about his nose surgery in the Edwin Smith papyrus and some Indian sources. At that time, the nose represented respect and honor. For this reason, when the person wanted to be punished, his nose was cut off. Nasal surgery was performed in the form of repairing the cut nose by sliding the skin from the cheek. In some sources, BC. There is information that this surgery was performed in the 5th century.


Nose aesthetic surgery can of course be performed for many reasons. It can be done in order to eliminate a problem in the functions of the nose, as well as to give the nose a more suitable appearance to the face or to lift the nose. In general, rhinoplasty is commonly performed for the following purposes.

In order to have rhinoplasty surgery, the person does not necessarily have to have a breathing problem. Rhinoplasty surgeries can be easily preferred just for the purpose of beautifying the appearance of the nose. Yes, depending on the existing nasal tissue and what kind of nose appearance will be obtained, the technique preferred by the doctor may change. This situation can also have an impact on the healing process of patients. In general, we can see that rhinoplasty surgeries, both in our country and around the world, are performed with aesthetic concerns rather than respiratory problems.

    • To eliminate congenital or acquired deformities of the nose
    • widening or narrowing the tip of the nose
    • Opening or reducing the distance between the nose and lips
    • Eliminate the appearance of the nose belt
    • Fix the asymmetrical look
    • Filling the appearance of the depression in the nose
    • To eliminate the respiratory problem experienced for anatomical reasons


In order to have rhinoplasty, you must first be over the age of 18. Rhinoplasty operations can be performed only in cases of severe respiratory distress in people under the age of 18. However, unless there is a serious health problem, it is beneficial for patients to wait until they turn 18. Of course, it is very important that there is no problem in the person’s health condition that prevents surgery. As you can imagine, surgeries cannot be performed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.


Although there is no difference in terms of aesthetics in rhinoplasty, the operations performed by men and women, there is a difference in terms of aesthetics. The main difference here is that in men and women, the angle of the nose with the lip is different. While this angle is close to 90 degrees in men, the angle that the nose makes with the lips is greater in women. There is no difference between the surgical techniques applied to men and women in rhinoplasty operations. As a result of the surgical operation, the nose of men should appear less angled than the nose of women, and the tip of the nose should reveal itself more.

Nose aesthetic surgery is not an operation that is performed the same for everyone. It contains unique differences for each patient, from the planning stage to the healing processes. In rhinoplasty, it is necessary to make different plans according to the shape of the nose, the degree of the respiratory problem and the pathology that caused it, the thickness of the skin, whether there was previous surgery and gender.

Female Rhinoplasty In Turkey

In both male and female patients who want to have rhinoplasty surgery, first of all, it is necessary to listen to the expectations of the patients about their nose and then plan the nose structure suitable for the face.

In fact, the nose is also an organ that has a gender. The angles it makes with facial structures, its curvature, the length and elevation of the tip of the nose can add a masculine or feminine expression to the face.

The nose of male patients should have harder lines. The angles made by the forehead and lips and nose differ from women to women.

When planning rhinoplasty surgery in men, a straight nasal ridge without curvature should be considered. The tip of the nose should be at a maximum angle of 90-100 degrees with the lip, and the nostrils should not be too visible from the side and from the front. The nose should not be oversized.

Nose aesthetic surgeries for men can also be performed using open or closed techniques. The recovery process after rhinoplasty for men is usually faster. Bruises and swellings heal faster.

Nasal aesthetic surgery can also be performed in female patients using the open or closed technique. In women, there should be a slight curve on the back of the nose, and the nose should be reduced so that breathing is not impaired. The tip of the nose should be planned higher than the noses of male patients. The nostrils should not be exposed in such a way that they are fully visible when viewed from the front. In the opposite view, the width of the nose should be reduced and the nose should be narrowed to a line extending from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose.

Excessive curvature or excessive lifting of the nose spoils the natural appearance of the nose.

In both men and women, if the nose is compatible with the face, breathable, natural-looking, symmetrical, it will give the most pleasant appearance.


Women not only want a nose with a beautiful shape and a suitable size, but also a natural nose that fits their face. The most important expectation of female patients is that the nose is an important organ that stands out on the face, and that it provides a unique and perfect integrity that is compatible with all other parts of the face.


Before rhinoplasty, drugs used as blood thinners should be discontinued. It is important to stop all medications such as pain relievers and eyebrow relaxants. In addition, stopping the consumption of supplemental vitamins, alcohol and cigarettes at least 1 week before are suggested.


Female Rhinoplasty In Turkey can be done with an incision made from the partition between the nostrils (columella), or it can be done just inside the nostrils. Rhinoplasty is never a standard operation in which the same procedures are performed in every patient, and both the technique to be used and the procedures to be performed should be determined according to the patient’s nose structure, the type and size of the existing deformity. The ideal result should be a natural nose with ideal aesthetic dimensions and lines, which is not excessively curved, the tip of the nose is not excessively pointed and raised.


The process in rhinoplasty begins with the first examination to be performed by a specialist doctor. The patient’s complaints, the desired visual changes and whether they are suitable for the nose or face structure are decided by the exchange of views between the doctor and the patient during this examination. At the same time, with a detailed examination, it can be determined whether there is any problem in the nose that may prevent the rhinoplasty operation. In the absence of a structural problem, general health checks should also be carried out, and the presence of conditions that may interfere with the surgical operation, such as bleeding diseases, should be investigated. It is very important for the doctor and the patient to establish a good communication with the patient in terms of the shape changes to be made in the patients who are determined to be suitable for the operation, and to explain the patient’s expectations to the doctor in a good way. In this way, undesirable results can be prevented and the possibility of needing correction operations can be minimized. By photographing the nose from various angles, an approximate image of the targeted changes can be obtained on a large screen. The use of such visual techniques at the planning stage is very beneficial in terms of ensuring a correct communication between the physician and the patient.

When the day of the operation comes, local anesthesia is used in case of simple interventions according to the type of surgery, and general anesthesia is applied if a large-scale operation is to be performed. The duration of the operation also varies according to the procedures to be performed. On average, a rhinoplasty operation is expected to take about a few hours. After the operation, which is performed by choosing the most suitable method for the patient from open or closed methods, the patients are discharged after being kept under observation for a certain period of time.

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The management of rhinoplasty surgery and the post-processing process can vary greatly from physician to physician, and each physician has his or her own style. The process management I applied after rhinoplasty surgery is as follows:

The operation is performed under general anesthesia (fully asleep) and usually takes 1.5-2 hours if septoplasty is not performed, and 2.5-3 hours if septoplasty is to be performed. At the end of the operation, a plaster or special thermoplastic material splint is placed outside the nose; If septoplasty is performed, additional silicone splints are placed in both air channels. Oily gas buffers used in the past are no longer used. In order to wake up comfortably and smoothly from the anesthesia, the patient is asked to do the following 3 actions: 1. to breathe through his mouth, not to try to breathe through his nose (if there are silicone splints inside); 2. swallowing saliva in his mouth; 3. not to bring his hands to his face (in order not to spoil the splint outside). The patient places these 3 actions in the subconscious before the operation and if he conditions himself, he wakes up very easily after the operation.

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day after the operation and is discharged after 1 week to come for control. He spends this process in the hospital extremely painless and comfortable with head elevation, intermittent ice application to the eyes and medication. There is never an unbearably severe pain after surgery. Although slight pain may be felt, it is also controlled with ice application and pain relievers. Postoperative ice application is extremely important for both pain control and preventing bruising and edema. For this, the patient should start applying ice as soon as he leaves the surgery and keep the ice pack over his eyes for as long as he can stand. This process continues until 24 hours after the surgery. After 24 hours, the ice will no longer have any effect.

The patient uses painkillers, antibiotics and antihistamines (for edema) during the 1-week period at home. If open rhinoplasty is performed, antibiotic ointment is applied to the suture line under the nose 3 times a day for 1 week. For quick resolution of facial edema, if possible, he should lie on his back with a high pillow for 1 month, he can turn his head to the right and left, provided that his nose is in the air. It is forbidden for the patient to lie on his side or prone for 1 month.

After removing the silicone splints, if any, or 24 hours after the operation if not applied, the nose should be washed daily with sea water or saline for 1-4 weeks to be determined by the doctor.

For 1 week after the operation, the patient should not wet the external nasal splint and should not sweat. For this reason, if a bath is to be made, the head should not be wet, but a bath should be taken from the neck down. The patient should come to have the external splint removed on the 7th postoperative day. A few hours before arriving, he should have his head washed from the forehead to the nape, paying attention to the splint, by the hairdresser. In the meantime, even if the outer splint gets wet, there is no problem, because it will be removed on the same day.

After the external splint is removed, a paper tape is applied to the nose and remains for 1 week. The paper tape should not be wetted or sweaty just like the outer splint. After 1 week, the paper tape is also removed and the nose becomes completely unwrapped and open.

If a silicone splint is placed in the nose, these splints remain for 1-4 weeks, depending on the patient, and then should be removed by the doctor.

All sutures inside and outside the nostrils are self-absorbed within 1-2 weeks, they do not need to be removed.

It is important that the patient does not get traumatized to the nose, especially for 1 month after the surgery. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended not to use public transport too much, not to enter the crowd, not to stand behind the door, not to take small children and pets on their laps.

If the patient uses glasses, they are allowed to wear them after 1 month. Again, not very heavy sports and swimming can be done after 1 month. Heavy sports can be started only after 3 months.

One month after the operation, massages are started to be applied on the nose by hand, at least 3-4 times a day, for 3-6 months, as the physician will show, in order to quickly resolve the edema in the nose.

Controls 1st-3rd-6th in the first year after surgery. and at 12 months, then annually.

Female Rhinoplasty in Turkey (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 Time to return to work 3-4 days
Operation Time 1-3 hours Recovery 3-4 weeks
Anesthesia General Anesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3-4 days Hospital Stay 1 night
Price EUR 3200

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