A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women
A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;
- Liposuction for Women
- What is Liposuction?
- Who is a Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
- How is liposuction done?
- Operation
- Postoperative
- Is Anesthesia Used in Liposuction Surgery?
- What Awaits You After Liposuction? A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women
Liposuction for Women
The understanding of beauty shows constant changes in every century and even over the years. From the colour of the hair to the size of the breast or the curves of the waist, these changes even affect daily life.
The “Gibson Girl”, a drawing created by illustrator Charles Dana Gibson between 1890 and 1910, is considered by some to be a symbolic standard of female beauty. Although the “Gibson Girl” is a fictional character with a tall and thin, but rather large breast and hips and a corset fitted to her waist and an exaggerated S-curve on the torso by excessively thinning her waist, she had a great influence on the women of her period.
In the 1920s, American silent film artist Nita Naldi became the symbol of female beauty by appearing in the “femme fatale” or “vamp” female roles.
In the following years….
In the 1940s, at the beginning of World War II, American actor, dancer and singer Betty Grable became the number one poster photo of soldiers with her famous swimsuit pose. This photo was later chosen as one of the “100 photos that changed the world” in a project by Life magazine. Grable was particularly famous for her legs, and they were considered the most ideal size and the most beautiful legs in the world, insured for $1000000 at the time.
Years began to shape the understanding of beauty with Marilyn Monroe…
Grable’s abdication came after Norma Jeane Mortenson aka Marilyn Monroe. From 1962 until her death, Marilyn Monroe was arguably considered the most beautiful woman in the world.
With the death of Marilyn Monroe, the curves in the female body gave way to straight lines.
During the human rights campaigns of the 1960s, the more masculine big-eyed, long-eyed, very slender, and short-haired Lesley Hornby, better known as Twiggy, emerged.
Twiggy, who was chosen as the face of the year 1966 by the Daily Express, impressed the women of that period with her face and body.
In the 1980s, female beauty returned to curves. Supermodels emerged. They started to influence the period as rich and beautiful women who were known by everyone. The concept of beauty was divided into two sexy and beautiful in this period. Healthy living and fitness traditions have evolved.
In the 1990s, the fashion for weight loss emerged again. This period, when weakness was the understanding of beauty, did not last long, but this period was also the period when the problem of anorexia appeared. The death of Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston due to anorexia in 2006, who was 173 cm tall and 40 kg when she died, and her BMI was only 13.4. According to the world health organization, the lower limit of BMI should be 16.
The concept of beauty today is a mixture. An ideally beautiful woman is considered to have a BMI below 22. We like lean athletic-looking bodies, not anorexic bodies, and yet curvy bodies rather than masculine ones.
In other words, the ideal aesthetic appearance of today’s women is thin, athletic and sexy. While muscle definition is important in young people, we want a much flatter appearance than the definition in women who have given birth. Slim but hourglass appearance on the body in today’s sense of beauty.
When you look at the pictures in the magazines, you can be sure that almost all of the photos we see have been retouched with photoshop to make them what we have mentioned above.
With liposuction surgical procedure (Vaserhidef lipoplasty) changes we aim to make in women:
- hourglass view of the body
- Ensuring breast fullness
- Sacral region depressions (dimples on the buttock)
- Slight delineation of the concavity of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and slight depression of the lateral parts of the rectus abdominis, but not the removal of the lozenges.
- Not allowing depression, that is, collapse, in the trochanteric region. To ensure the roundness of this region
- Ensuring butt roundness
In order to provide the above-mentioned roundness, the oils taken with vaser are converted into pure grafts with cytori and injected into the necessary places.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.
In Turkish, liposuction is referred to as “fat suction” or “fat removal procedure,” and it is one of the surgeries about which a lot of false information is spread. This process, which is done to eliminate excess fat accumulated in different parts of the body, should not be seen as a direct weight loss or weight loss tool. At this time, maintaining a nutritious diet is crucial for both your health and losing extra weight. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help you effortlessly attain your ideal weight. However, if you have reached your dream weight but there are still fat deposits in your body that do not melt, then you can consider liposuction as an effective solution.
What is Liposuction?
The Latin term “lipo,” which is the basis for the English word “liposuction,” denotes fat. The extra body fat is not totally absorbed during liposuction; rather, the fat cells are. For correct knowledge of the liposuction procedure, it is crucial to understand the differences between these two procedures. since after puberty, the amount of fat cells in people does not typically vary. The amount of these fat cells determines the parts of the body where the extra fat that built up with weight growth will be stored.
For instance, if your abdominal area has more fat cells than other areas of your body, the extra fat that has built up in your body will settle into these cells. The number of fat cells is decreased and fat buildup in particular locations is inhibited during liposuction. In other words, even if there is an excess of fat buildup in his body, the person in the same example does not have a navel body type when the number of fat cells in the belly area is reduced by half as a result of the fat removal procedure. Before you consider liposuction make sure you read A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women.
Who is a Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?
The body of an adult human has a fixed number of fat cells. After adolescence, the quantity of fat cells doesn’t increase, however the volume of fat cells increases. This outcome in weight gain. Dietary habits and way of life are the main variables in people groups’ weight reduction.
Legitimate eating routine and exercise and an ordinary way of life are fundamental to dispose of overabundance weight. Nonetheless, even individuals who meet these circumstances might have determined (static) fat stores that don’t vanish. Areas of fat buildup that are mostly found in the middle of the body, such as the belly, waist, hips, outside and inner sides of the thigh, and knees, are resistant to diet and exercise. Diet and exercise can help reduce excess fat in these locations, but doing more of either causes the metabolism of the body as a whole to deteriorate rather than thin down the fat in these areas. Liposuction is the most efficient way to remove fat from these locations.
How is liposuction done?
When doing liposuction surgery, the region of recalcitrant fat is initially inflated with an injection of a unique liquid (tumescent). Then, a few mm-long incisions are performed on or close to this location. Depending on the patient’s health, metal tubes called “cannula” with a diameter of 2–6 mm are introduced from these incisions into the subcutaneous layer and attached to the vacuum device. By inserting the cannulas at the proper depth in the fat accumulation regions that have been made harder with tumescent solution, breaking apart, and sucking with the grating logic, excess fats first begin to be extracted. The process of absorbing the fats by means of vacuum continues until the desired body contour and a smooth skin surface are achieved. This procedure is referred to as traditional (classic) liposuction and is entirely dependent on manual dexterity and arm strength. Today, the power-assisted liposuction technique, in which the cannula vibrates automatically with the help of a device, has also been used in order to facilitate and speed up the process. Both laser (Laser liposuction) and ultrasound (Vaser liposuction) intensities have been employed recently. These two procedures have lower rates of complications such as discomfort, bleeding, tissue damage, and fluctuation than the standard (traditional) procedure, and the postoperative skin tightens more effectively.
Although stubborn excess fat in deep layers is removed with liposuction, fat accumulations that cause contour irregularity can be removed with the method called superficial liposuction or “liposculpture” developed in recent years. The liposculpture technique has also become a method that gives good results in removing skin sagging and eliminating stubborn cellulite.
Today, liposuction has taken its indispensable place in body contour correction. As long as the aim is contour correction, not weakening, it is an extremely safe and low-risk surgery in well-chosen patients, with well-applied techniques in hospital conditions, if the safety limit is not exceeded. Today, the safety limit is accepted as 2.5-4.5 litres in different sources. Larger doses of fat can, however, be administered to some people. In this situation, the patient’s fluid and electrolyte balance is completed, and occasionally a blood transfusion may be required. Before you consider liposuction make sure you read A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women.
The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting, in the operating room, and under the anesthesiologist’s supervision. General anaesthesia is preferred in multi-site applications. Only local anaesthesia can be applied in very limited small areas. The operation takes 1-5 hours depending on the condition of the areas where the vacuum will be applied. There is no requirement for dressing or removal since the cannula entrance holes are sealed with dissolving sutures. Sometimes, special thin pipes (drains) are placed in the surgical field through the cannula holes in order to drain the blood and serum accumulated inside and are usually removed after 24 hours. You could be able to leave the hospital the same day or after 24 hours, depending on the scope of the operation.
It’s usually comfortable. Medication might be used to reduce the slight pain. After the procedure, the patient is placed in a customized corset that he will wear for 1-3 months to support shape and skin tightening while minimizing bleeding and serum buildup. There may be oedema, bruises, tingling and burning sensation in the vacuum-applied areas. These disappear spontaneously within 1-2 weeks. Cannula entry scars also become indistinct within 2-6 months.
Is Anesthesia Used in Liposuction Surgery?
An anesthesiologist is in charge and the procedure is carried out in the operating room in a hospital setting. The combination of local anaesthesia and sedation (intravenous sleep) is preferred. Only local anaesthesia can be applied in very limited small areas. Liposuction surgery takes between 1-5 hours, depending on the condition of the areas where the vacuum will be applied. Most often, 1-2 sutures are used to close the cannula entrance holes. When cannula holes are used to insert specific thin tubes (resistors), the collected serum can sometimes be drained by doing so. You could be able to leave the hospital the same day or after 24 hours, depending on the scope of the operation.
What Awaits You After Liposuction? A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women
Length of Stay in Hospital: Local or general anaesthesia can be applied in liposuction surgery.
If laser liposuction is to be applied, general anaesthesia is preferred and the patient stays in the hospital for one night after the operation. In other treatments, patients do not need to be hospitalized if there are no surgical problems. Patients undergoing general anaesthesia are sent home after a 4-hour rest period.
Practices that Accelerate Healing: Lymph drainage massage before and after surgery makes patients feel better. In order to accelerate the recovery period, getting up early and moving a lot is of great importance during the recovery phase.
Pain: Post-operative pain usually lasts for 3-4 days. Complaints after liposuction with oral painkillers during this period.
Returning to Daily Life: Patients who can return to work in 3-7 days should remove their dressings after two days, have their stitches removed a week later, and use a liposuction corset for three weeks.
Sports Activities: Patients who can start walking 2 weeks after the surgery should wait at least 6 weeks for heavy sports exercises.
Physical Result: Although the swelling and stiffness after the surgery usually go away within 2 months, it takes about 6-9 months to get the desired result completely.
These are some points for A Complete Guide To Liposuction for Women
I want to have liposuction surgery. Who should I contact?
This is an aesthetic operation. Application to Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeons is unavoidable. A number of surgeons claim that they also practice this surgical field because there is such a strong demand for it. It will be to their advantage for patients to have surgery by researching the surgeon’s area of expertise.
Which areas are suitable for liposuction?
Vacuum removal of fat deposits in many areas of the body such as under the chin, cheeks, neck, upper inner side of the arm, breasts, chest, abdomen, waist, hips, outer and inner thighs, inner knees, back of the legs (calves), ankles. has become possible. It is also applied as a complementary procedure in other body contour correction surgeries (tummy tuck, breast reduction, etc.).
Will there be any scars after liposuction?
Cannula access holes are usually 2-4 mm in diameter and are closed with sutures. The traces that remain of these are vague and can be ignored.
How many litres of oil can be taken at a time? Can liposuction be done again?
An average of 4-5 litres of fat can be taken without disturbing the patient’s balance and body functions. However, it is also possible to get more fat by providing the necessary fluid and blood support. It is the surgeon’s choice here. If the fat accumulation areas are large, liposuction can be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.
What are the harmful sides of Liposuction?
In the fat absorption process, there is no harm to the individual as long as more fat is not taken from the body than necessary. However, after this procedure, those who adopt an unhealthy diet or use this method as a short-term slimming tool instead of getting rid of regional fat cells are disappointed and suffer because they cannot achieve the result they expect in the long run.
With fully equipped equipment, expert staff and liposuction methods applied with the most up-to-date technologies in Medical Center Turkey, you can say goodbye to your regional fat deposits, which are ingrained in your body and never melted with sports and diet.
If you have any questions about liposuction, you can consult the expert team of Medical Center Turkey.
A Complete Guide to Liposuction for Women
Treatment Summary
Operation Number | 1 session | Time to return to work | 3-5 days |
Operation Time |
1- 4 hours |
Recovery | 4-7 days |
Anaesthesia | Local anaesthesia | Persistence of Results | Permanent |
Sensitivity Time | Only in operation time | Hospital Stay | 1 night |
Package Price | EUR 2300 (3 Zones) for more information |