13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know
13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about 13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;
Nose aesthetic surgery, also known as rhinoplasty in the medical language, is the nose job; It is the operation performed to have a balanced, aesthetically rich, elegant and beautiful appearance with the face. Nasal arch, nose width, nasal bone crookedness and many other problems can add an aesthetically weak appearance to the nose. These congenital or acquired problems can lead to a significant decrease in the self-confidence of individuals. They can negatively affect people’s social lives. They can even interfere with very important nasal functions such as breathing. These negativities can be eliminated with rhinoplasty surgery, that is, nasal aesthetic surgery.
Rhinoplasty surgeries; It can be divided into 3 groups as reduction surgeries, augmentation surgeries and surgeries in which both reduction and enlargement techniques are applied. The tissues removed only in patients who have undergone reduction are used for reshaping the nose. In patients who need augmentation, ear cartilage, rib cartilage, abdominal muscle membrane or membranes taken from under the scalp without damaging the hair and skin can be used. Augmentation surgeries are mostly needed in the treatment of secondary (previously operated in another center) patients.
After the surgery, your nose is enclosed in a special plastic material so that it can maintain its new shape. Medication and ice therapy are applied to prevent pain and swelling. After 7-10 days, the plastic protector on the nose is removed. At this stage, coarse swellings have subsided; but subtle swelling still persists. These thin swellings, which those who do not know you will not understand, and those who know you: ‘There is a slight swelling.’ as he might say. It will take at least 1 year to reach the final result of rhinoplasty surgery. Although bruises vary from person to person, many of the patients have no or very little bruising, thanks to new techniques such as ultrasonic rhinoplasty. In patients with bruises, these bruises disappear completely within a few days. Read more to know about 13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know.
Before going into surgery, it is important to consider the following points:
- In your pre-operative examination, your doctor will ask you if you have any other disease, the medications you use regularly, whether you have any allergies and your previous surgeries with a form. Some analyzes necessary for you to receive general anesthesia will be performed the week before your surgery and the results of these will be evaluated by your special anesthesiologist with whom your doctor works.
- Before the operation, you should make sure that you do not have a problem with your health. It is important that you are in good physical condition; because this reduces the risks during the surgery and provides a faster recovery process. If there is any treatment or treatments you are currently taking, you should inform your doctor. Our aim; to minimize possible complications, to increase the result of the surgical application and to provide you with the highest patient safety conditions in today’s current conditions.
- Aspirin etc. You should not use blood thinners containing Ibuprofen, pain relievers and flu medications at least 1 week before and 1 week after surgery. In the presence of Coumadin-style blood thinners and/or anti-rheumatic drugs, the treatment protocol will be slightly different, but this will be explained to you in detail by your doctor.
- If you are using birth control pills (menstrual delay), you should stop taking these drugs completely for 1 month before and 1 month after surgery. Roacutane etc. If you are using medications, it is recommended that you stop taking these medications 6 months before the surgery.
- Substances such as vitamin E, garlic, cherry, ginseng, green tea, cinnamon, herbal teas, gotu kola, flaxseed, resveratrol (red wine extract) can also cause blood thinning. For this reason, you should not take these substances until at least 1 week before the surgery. It is recommended that you do not use these substances for at least 2 weeks after the operation.
- If you are a smoker and have not had surgery before, it is preferable to stop smoking 4 weeks before surgery to reduce the risks of general anesthesia. If you have had a nose surgery before, you should definitely quit smoking as it will affect the result of the surgery.
- If you have thick skin, it may be necessary to start a special skin protocol before the surgery. You will also be enlightened on this subject during your examination.
- Inform both your surgeon and your private anesthesia doctor about all kinds of diseases and all medications you need to use (including all painkillers) within 3 weeks before the operation.
- If your doctor works with a private anesthesiologist independent of the hospital, you can also call your private anesthesiologist about all these issues and get support at any time. This also applies to the postoperative period.
- It is recommended to trim your nose hair (and mustache, if any) before surgery. However, pulling them out with tweezers is inconvenient due to the possibility of folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle).
- In order to receive general anesthesia, you must be hungry for 12 hours and dehydrated for 12 hours before the operation.
- Bring a button-down pajamas on the way to the hospital. Do not bring overnight.
- You should not eat or drink anything for a while after the surgery. During your stay in the hospital, the nurses will tell you when you can start drinking water. You can start to drink water at the 4th hour of the operation, and at the end of the 6th hour, you can gradually switch to solid foods. (You can consume all kinds of food after 8 hours. It is important to consume plenty of water. Just be careful not to open your mouth (forcing) too much in the first 1 month. What you chew will not harm your nose. You can chew gum. It is recommended to consume plenty of water for 24 hours after you start drinking water.
- If there is no rectal gas or stool in the first 24 hours after the operation, please inform the nurses (or your doctors if you have been discharged).
- You should take a walk in the company of a companion and nurse as soon as possible after the surgery (when the nurses measure your blood pressure and say that there is no problem in walking). Your private anesthesiologist will make this planning and visit you after the surgery. It is also recommended that you move your legs and feet inside the bed while you lie down. The more you walk during your stay in the hospital, the more the risk of clot formation in the leg veins, which is one of the common risks of anesthesia with all surgeries, is prevented. As a safety precaution during your surgery, a special machine is operated on your legs for this purpose. Your special anesthesiologist, with whom your surgeon works, will take care of you personally in all of these points.
- It is recommended to apply ice on both eyes for the first 24 hours after the surgery, replacing them with a new one every 2 hours. You can take a break from ice application for 10 minutes every hour. The easiest way to apply ice is to put ice in two examination gloves, tie them together and put them on the eye. Alternatively, you can use cold gel packs. However, since these products heat up very quickly, you will have to change them more often. Thanks to the application of ice, swelling and bruises that may occur, albeit a little, are minimized.
- Thanks to the new surgical techniques, you can use Auriderm XO or Arnica gel 2 times a day immediately after the operation to relieve your bruises, which do not occur in most patients, but sometimes occur in small amounts.
- It is recommended that you stay in the hospital for one night after the operation to be under observation. Your doctor will come to discharge you the morning after the surgery. Your discharge time is 11:00 – 12:00 noon. During your discharge, you will be prescribed the medications listed here and some additional medications. It is recommended that you only take Arnica gel before surgery and bring it with you to the hospital.
- In the first 24 hours after surgery, some patients may have a slight leak from their nose. This is normal and you do not need to worry. You can completely remove the gauze that was placed on your nasal tip to absorb the leakage the day after your discharge.
- You may shed tears for the first 3 days after the operation. The reason for this is that the tears that normally flow from your eyelids into your nose through a channel will not be able to use this path due to swelling and will flow out. It is temporary.
- Since silicone splints are air-channeled, you can breathe while they are in your nose. When you leave the hospital, you will be given a liquid that you can squeeze 3 cc into each channel 3 times a day to prevent these air channels from clogging. When removing these silicone splints, they do not cause any pain or pain like conventional sticking tampons.
- You can wash your head and body as you wish without touching the plastic protector on your nose with water.
After taking your first bath, you can apply make-up. However, it is recommended that you do not touch the bands with make-up materials. You can have the sides of your eyebrows removed 2 days after the surgery and the middle of your eyebrows 2 weeks later.
- In some patients’ surgeries, it may be necessary to make a small incision of 1-2 cm from the inner part of the upper lip (with the teeth and behind the lip) in the mouth. If you have had this procedure, it is recommended that you eat liquid foods on the first day after the surgery and switch to soft foods on the second day. On the third day, you can consume any food you want. You should also rinse your mouth with water after every meal for the first three days.
- If you do not have a small incision in the upper lip immediately after the operation, you can brush your teeth. In some special cases where an incision must be made through the lip, brushing should be delayed for 1 day.
- When you leave the hospital, you will be given Terramycin eye ointment to apply to your stitches once a day if your surgery was performed with the open technique.
- After the splints are removed, using a product containing sea water (such as Nasatol, a product containing both sea water and Xylitol, or if you cannot find a product containing only sea water, such as Sinomarin) 3 times a day will relieve you. However, applying Rinopanteina ointment to the inside of your nose twice a day will accelerate your wound healing.
- Between the 7th and 11th days, the silicone splints inside your nose and the thin sutures under your nose, if made with the open technique, are removed. These silicone splints do not hurt while being removed.
- Between the 7th and 11th days (depending on the technique to be performed and the response of your tissues), the plastic protector on your nose is removed. Subsequently, tape is applied on the nose. It is enough for these bands to stay for 5 more days, and at the end of the 5th day, it is appropriate to wet them in the bathroom and remove them from the tip of the nose without pulling upwards. In some patients (such as thick skin), at-home taping may be recommended.
- If your surgery was performed with open technique, after the stitches are removed, scar reducer (silicone gel 2 times a day for 2 months) and SkinCeuticals etc. are applied to the tiny incision under your nose. It is recommended that you use a brand of sunscreen with a factor of at least 30. Apart from these, applying red centaury oil (if not found, yellow) twice a day will also help reduce your scar. You should apply sunscreen every time you go out in the sun for the first 6 months, even in winter. The important point here is to apply sunscreen and centaury oil first. Because it makes a trace-reducing silicone layer, it does not pass sunscreen or centaury oil under it.
- There may be some stitches you see inside your nose. These stitches will dissolve on their own over time. NEVER STRING OR CUT.
- It is recommended to use a moisturizer and cleanser suitable for your skin after the bands on your nose are removed. The specialist estheticians of the clinics will assist you in this regard. You can choose high-end products such as SkinCeuticals for this purpose. It is recommended that you apply your sunscreen all over your face after the strips are removed. Sunscreen helps to prevent bruises that may occur in a small number of patients and usually last around 2 weeks.
- You can start to make up at the end of the first week. There is no harm in having an eyebrow removal after the bands are removed. (The only exception to this situation is a small number of special patients who need to take a muscle membrane from the scalp or the root of the nose and put it under the scalp. If you have had this type of procedure, you should postpone your eyebrow removal from the middle of the eyebrow until the end of the 1st month. You can easily get the sides of the eyebrows.)
- It is recommended not to lie on your side and not to wear glasses for 4 weeks after the operation. It is entirely in your hands to protect your beautiful surgical result. If you wear glasses, get yourself temporary lenses for this period. After 4 weeks, you can switch to lightweight glasses with organic lenses and titanium frames. At the end of 3 months, you can use the glasses you want.
- Do not wipe your nose by pulling or squeezing from top to bottom after the structures in your nose are removed. You can wipe your nose from the bottom up; however, do not pinch your nose again in this case. You can close one nostril and blow your nose from the other to clean it. After a week, there is no harm in inhaling water into your nose.
- Sports such as jogging, fitness, cardio for the first 4 weeks after the operation; In the first 3 months, it is recommended not to do contact sports such as football, basketball or combat sports such as boxing. It is possible to swim and sunbathe 2 weeks after the plastic protector on your nose comes off. The sun will not cause any negative effects on your nose as long as you do not miss your hat with proper surgical technique and sunscreen. It is best to postpone swimming pools until 4 weeks after the protection is removed due to possible bacteria in the water.
- While applying lipstick on your lips after the surgery, it is recommended that you do not press your upper and lower lips together to feed your lipstick to both lips. This movement creates more tension than normal at the healing tip of the nose.
- Massage is not recommended; however, some patients may recommend massage for a few weeks if needed.
- You will be given the mobile number of your case manager so that you can communicate at any time before and after the surgery. Read more to know about 13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know.
- One of the most effective assistants for the first two days after the surgery is ice. You can hold the ice lightly without pressing your nose, we recommend using flexible ice. Ice slows blood flow and helps reduce swelling.
- If you are using anti-inflammation drugs, we recommend that you reduce it in consultation with your doctor. Anti-inflammation drugs can increase swelling and accelerate bleeding.
- It is very normal to feel pain after the procedure. Do not take medications such as pain relievers without a prescription or without consulting your doctor.
- One of the most important points that will speed up the healing process is to pay attention to what you eat and drink and to rest thoroughly. If you have heavy work, we recommend that you postpone it, plenty of sleep and rest will speed up the healing process.
- Light walks will be good for you, as well as for the healing process of your nose. Take care to get plenty of oxygen during this period.
- Flowing water in the shower can damage your nose, and if you use too much water, it hinders the healing process in the shower. You can take a bath by filling the tub instead
- Your body needs plenty of water during any healing process. Don’t dehydrate yourself, drink water all the time.
- After surgery, there may be some equipment to support your nose inside it, so avoid blowing your nose.
- In order not to blow your nose, you need to prevent your nose from running from the very beginning. One of the most important precautions you can take is not to consume peppery and spicy things.
- Speaking of spices, you also need to be careful not to consume too much salt. Since salt will increase blood pressure, we may face the opposite situation while trying to stop the blood.
- In addition to the suggestions you read on our blog, it is very important that you see your doctor after the operation. Our doctors can see things that you cannot see or notice. Visit your doctor for a general check-up.
- Take care to keep the head up as much as possible, especially when resting, sitting and sleeping, always keep your head up.
- Listen to your doctor’s warnings, if you do what your doctor recommends, the healing process will pass quickly and we will not encounter any undesirable situations.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.
13 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips You Need To Know in Turkey (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)
Operation Number | 1 | Time to return to work | 3-4 days |
Operation Time | 1-3 hours | Recovery | 3-4 weeks |
Anesthesia | General Anesthesia | Persistence of Results | Permanent |
Sensitivity Time | 3-4 days | Hospital Stay | 1 night |
Price | EUR 2600 |