
Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey

Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey

Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • Who is Eligible for Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • Who is Not Suitable for Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • How is Tummy Tuck Surgery is Performed?
  • What are the Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure?
  • What are the Risks and Side Effects?
  • How is the Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery?
  • What are the Long-Term Results of Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • Why Choose Turkish Clinics for Tummy Tuck Surgery?
  • How Much Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey in 2024?
  • Why does Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey Cheap?
  • What are the All-Inclusive Tummy Tuck Surgery Packages?
  • FAQs
  • Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey Treatment Summary (Cost, Duration, Hospital Stay, etc..)

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What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The most suitable candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery are men and women who do not respond to diet or abdominal exercise, have excess body fat, and complain of sagging abdominal skin. Surgery is useful for women whose abdominal muscles and skin have tightened more than normal during one or more pregnancies. Loss of skin elasticity, common in elderly patients with mild obesity, can also be corrected. Patients who plan to lose too much weight should postpone surgery.

Because the abdominal muscles that are tightened during surgery are subdivided during pregnancy, women with future pregnancy plans may also delay this surgery until after pregnancy. If you have previously had surgery other than a C-section, your doctor may not recommend this surgery because it can put you at risk for abdominal surgery. Before deciding to have surgery, you should carefully consider your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon. We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.

Who is Eligible for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Healthy people with excess fat and tissue in the lower abdomen are the best choice for Tummy Tuck Surgery. Here are the other things you’ll need:

  • You must be able to handle the anesthesia required for treatment, which means you must have a strong body, breath, and organs.
  • You should be able to recreate your surgical incision, which means you shouldn’t have any nutritional or tissue problems.
  • You must have a suitable appearance for a positive result from the surgery.
  • Weak people with excess fat and sagging skin on the lower abdomen are the best, while those with total obesity have less-than-ideal prospects.


Who is Not Suitable for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

You can decide if Tummy Tuck Surgery is right for you after speaking with an experienced surgeon. In some cases, the patient may have to wait or avoid this surgery. For example, patients with health problems that prevent surgery or wound healing are not suitable candidates for Tummy Tuck Surgery.

Patients who have undergone obesity surgery or have recently given birth should maintain a stable weight for at least 6 months and 1 year after this procedure. Otherwise, after Tummy Tuck Surgery, weight loss will continue, which will negatively affect the outcome of the operation.

How is Tummy Tuck Surgery is Performed?

Tummy Tuck Surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes 2 to 3 hours to perform Tummy Tuck Surgery. Tummy Tuck Surgery can be performed using various techniques, and a Tummy Tuck Surgeon will offer you the best choice based on the amount of body fat to be removed, the area affected to be operated on, current medical condition, etc.

To perform Tummy Tuck Surgery, the surgeon first marks the abdomen, sides, and back for the desired areas to remove fat. The following anesthetics are administered. The Tummy Tuck surgeon would cut the unwanted skin and subcutaneous tissue to exfoliate the tissue. Non-absorbent suture for suturing the back muscles to restore desired normal abdominal, back, and desired sides. The unwanted skin would be removed, and the incision is sutured with self-absorbent sutures. The wound is washed thoroughly, and drains are placed to remove fluid.

What are the Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Types of abdominal surgery are: Full Tummy Tuck, Mini Tummy Tuck, Plus Size Tummy Tuck, 360 Tummy Tuck, Laser Tummy Tuck

Mini Tummy Tuck

Mini Tummy Tuck is a surgery that targets the abdominal area below the belly button. They often help patients who are in an acceptable weight range but have an excess of so-called pooch or fat that is difficult to remove with diet and exercise.

Full Tummy Tuck

Full Tummy Tuck is a surgical technique used by doctors to flatten the abdomen by removing excess fat and skin and strengthening the abdominal wall muscles. With this surgery, you remove bloating or excess skin on your stomach that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise.

Plus Size Tummy Tuck

The Plus Size Tuck procedure is intended for patients who are unable to achieve an optimal body weight for a tummy tuck. The main principle of this method is to combine the procedure with liposuction of the eye to flatten, tone, and reshape the abdomen and waist circumference for people with high BMI who are overweight between 150 and 200 pounds.

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360 Tummy Tuck

A typical Tummy Tuck removes excess skin and fat from below the navel and tightens the abdominal muscles. Tummy Tuck 360 offers all this and more. In addition to the standard abs, this procedure uses SAFElipo to remove excess fat from the entire upper body. Bra rolls, sides and back fat are also processed. This procedure is so effective that it is also known as the “shrink wrap” procedure. Forget Spanx – Tummy Tuck 360 will make you look great without them.

Laser Tummy Tuck

Laser Tummy Tuck is a non-surgical procedure that removes excess fat, tightens muscles, and straightens the abdomen. The basic principle is to place tiny laser fibers under the skin. The laser is then heated, which breaks down the surrounding fat without damaging the tissue. This heat increases the production of collagen, which tightens the skin and makes it look younger.

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What is the Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Tummy Tuck procedures can be performed differently, depending on the degree of change you want to see.

Before the Tummy Tuck, the surgeon will ask you to maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months. You will also be asked to avoid aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements, all of which can cause bleeding, and you should start taking anticoagulants to prevent blood clots.

The following steps are included in a Tummy Tuck:

  • During the surgical procedure, you will be given medication to help you relax. Intravenous sedation and general anesthesia are the two options.
  • A full Tummy Tuck involves a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and the navel
  • The amount of excess skin determines the shape and length of the incision. The damaged main abdominal muscles are restored after removing the abdominal skin.
  • A second incision around the belly button may be needed to remove excess skin on the upper abdomen.
  • The skin on the upper abdomen is pulled down like a shadow from a window. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is sutured. A new opening for the navel is created. The navel is pushed to the surface and sutured.
  • The incision is stitched together hip-to-hip above the pubic hair, leaving a scar along the natural crease in the bikini line.
  • Swelling and your inability to fully stand until internal healing is complete can cloud the outcome of abdominal surgery.

What are the Risks and Side Effects?

Following are some of the risks associated with tummy tuck surgery:

  • Tissue damage or death of tissues
  • Alterations in Skin Feeling
  • The development of fluid deep in the skin, i.e. the seroma
  • Slow recovery process
  • Unexpected scars.

To reduce or eliminate risk, you can:

  • Quit smoking. Smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and can slow the healing process. In addition, smoking increases the likelihood of tissue injury.
  • Avoid some medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and nutrients, as they can cause excessive bleeding.
  • Follow standard weight.
  • Avoid the consequences of taking medication.

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How is the Tummy Tuck Surgery Recovery?

You need to plan your treatment so that you have enough time to heal and recover from some of the activities of your daily life. Make sure you do all the necessary preparations and are ready to start your recovery time.

Recovery Schedule:

The following is an example of your post-abdominal recovery timeline:

  • After surgery, you will need to wear a belt for about six weeks. This prevents fluid buildup and supports your stomach.
  • Although recovery time for Mini Tummy Tuck is usually shorter, you should still avoid strenuous activity for at least six weeks. Any intense workout or weightlifting falls into this category.
  • After surgery, your drain will be left in place for a few days. You will learn how to clean and empty drains. While your drain is plugged in, you may need to take antibiotics and anticoagulants.

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What to Expect After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

  • For at least the first few days after surgery, you will need someone to pick you up from the hospital and help you with follow-up care at home.
  • After removing the drainpipe, you can shower 48 hours later. Even if you can’t shower, you may want to take a sponge bath. If you shower for a long time, you may be advised to sit on a chair.
  • Antibiotics and possibly anticoagulants will be prescribed. You may be prescribed a topical medication to apply to your skin. Follow the directions for the pain reliever you are taking. You should also avoid taking medications that contain aspirin.
  • If you are taking painkillers, you should also avoid alcohol and smoking for at least six weeks. because it can interfere with the healing process and cause complications.
  • Be active after surgery, even if it’s just a short walk. It helps maintain blood circulation, which aids in the healing process and reduces the risk of blood clots forming in the legs.
  • Your doctor can advise you on what activities you can do and how long you should be away from work.
  • You won’t be able to drive for a few weeks. You should also avoid strenuous exercise and intense physical activity for four to six weeks.

In addition, your surgeon’s medical team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to recover at home:

  • Incision and drainage care, what to look out for concerning infection and general health.
  • How to avoid physical activity that affects the incision site in the next six weeks.
  • What is your diet plan and what you can and cannot eat.
  • Next nursing operation for stomach surgery

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a type of surgery that strengthens and minimizes the abdominal area. And it focuses on removing excess fat and skin around the stomach. In most cases, it can also restore weak muscles, resulting in an abdominal profile that both men and women prefer.

That’s fine, but what are you going to do after the treatment to take care of yourself?

Here is a list of treatments that you should follow;

  • Limit sharp and fast movements
  • Move around the house to get your blood. In other words, don’t be too stagnant.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Adequate rest in bed.
  • A surgical bandage or bandage is applied to protect the incision wound from the outside world.
  • Wear the compression underwear that will be given to you after the surgery.
  • Antibiotics and painkillers will be prescribed for you and should be given on time and regularly.

What are the Long-Term Results of Tummy Tuck Surgery?

The benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery can last a lifetime, but only if you maintain a healthy lifestyle afterward. If you don’t gain weight and keep your body in shape, Tummy Tuck results can last a lifetime. Once your scar has healed and the swelling has reduced, you will see the benefits.

The stability and firmness of your abdominal wall increase. Excess skin that has been removed will not reappear unless the area is stretched again due to weight fluctuations or a re-pregnancy.

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Why Choose Turkish Clinics for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Turkey is one of the best healthcare providers in the world. Tummy Tuck can be done in Istanbul. Prices may vary. Clinics and hospitals can offer patients different options. Most clinics have prepared a complete package for this operation. This package includes transportation, accommodation, operational costs, and other costs. In this way, you will have the opportunity to undergo abdominal surgery in Turkey more profitably and cost-effectively.

Turkey is one of the cheapest countries for Tummy Tuck surgery in Europe. If you are considering having Tummy Tuck surgery abroad, Turkey should be your first choice.

Average Tummy Tuck Cost

Turkey United Kingdom United States of America
$ 4200 £ 5250 $ 6092


How Much Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey in 2024?

The cost of a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) in Turkey in 2024 ranges from approximately $2,000 to $8,000, depending on the extent of the procedure and the clinic’s location. For instance, clinics in Istanbul may charge slightly more compared to those in other cities like Antalya, Izmir, or Bursa. On average, the cost in Istanbul is around $4,200.

To understand Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey, we must first look at the factors that make up the total cost and price of Tummy Tuck surgeries. In general, total operating costs can be broken down into three main factors:

  • Surgical costs (This includes the actual surgery by the surgeon and the aftercare.)
  • Anesthesia Fee
  • Hospital Costs

As with any cosmetic procedure, several other factors determine its full cost; The cost of surgery depends on the type of technique and type of anesthesia, as well as the center where the surgery is performed. The same doctor can perform surgery in one center at a low cost and in another at a high cost. This factor is due to the skill and experience of the surgeon.

If you want to get detailed information and help with our packages related to this surgery, it will be enough to click on the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Why does Tummy Tuck Cost in Turkey Cheap?

The answer is that Turkey is one of the cheapest countries in the world in terms of cost of living. In Turkey, not only medical costs and payments are low, but also accommodation.

And the combination of the best medical technology and quality experienced surgeons will probably not make many patients hesitate to take their first steps to Turkey.

The reasons for the low cost of surgery can be illustrated by facts such as the average monthly salary of a Turkish citizen, accommodation costs, and the use of local medical equipment. In addition, competition between clinics can be considered as a valid reason. The low price is only because of the economy and has nothing to do with the quality.

What are the  All-Inclusive Tummy Tuck Surgery Packages?

  • Your surgery
  • General anesthesia (for a tummy tuck) or local (for navel correction)
  • All medicines during your stay in the clinic
  • Consultation with the surgeon
  • All necessary pre-operative tests and examinations
  • Hospital clothing, bandage, or special underwear (if the operation requires any)
  • One-night stay in the clinic with food (or more, if necessary)
  • 9 nights hotel 4* accommodation in Istanbul with breakfast / 3 nights for navel correction
  • Meeting and seeing off at the airport, all transfers between hotel – hospital – airport
  • Postoperative regular check-ups of your surgeon during the stay
  • 24/7 open hot line in case necessary

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Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Painful?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, which ensures comfort and freedom from pain. The anesthetic effect may last for a few hours after surgery, but you will start to feel pain as the anesthetic wears off. Existing analgesics are prescribed and continued until the third or fourth day after surgery.

How Long Does Tummy Tuck Surgery Take in Turkey?

The duration of the tummy tuck surgery is about two hours, depending on the patient’s condition and whether the stomach is full or small. You must stay in the hospital for one day and stay in Turkey for at least one week for follow-up examination and treatment.

How Long Does Flatulence Last After a Crisis?

In tummy tuck surgery, the area of ​​the body and the depth of the procedure change the swelling process afterward. If you leave the first week, the swelling will decrease significantly. After surgery, you will need to rest in bed from the toilet for at least 2 days, usually 4 days.

Does Health Insurance Pay for the Tummy Tuck?

“Will my stomach insurance be reimbursed?” is one of the first problems that most patients have. Yes, and the answer is no. Abdominoplasty is often just a cosmetic treatment and is not covered by most health insurance companies.

However, if you suffer from wounds or skin problems, surgery becomes a health problem. In this scenario, your insurance policy may cover some of your costs.

Where is the Cheapest Place in the World for a Tummy Tuck?

The cheapest place in the world to get a Tummy Tuck Surgery is Turkey. With the latest technology and experienced doctors, Turkey offers the most affordable abdominal crutches to patients. The total cost of this service is about $2000. However, in the United States or European countries, the same operation can cost up to $20,000! Even with travel taxes, you end up saving more than 70% of your dollars. Rest assured that Turkey at the lowest price guarantees a safe and healthy process.

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take in Turkey?

The time taken for flatulence in Turkey is 2 to 5 hours. After the procedure, you will stay in the recovery room for a few hours while the medical team monitors you.

You will most likely be asked to come back for a follow-up session in a few weeks to make sure the wound is healing properly. By week six you should be able to stop wearing your garment and resume most of your daily activities.

I am a Male; Can I get Tummy Tuck Surgery in Turkey?

Yes, a man can get a tummy tuck surgery in Turkey. Of course, there are several criteria for men who want to undergo this operation. Tummy tuck surgery can be performed on both men and women. Patients who are in top shape and cognitive, healthy, and strong are also an ideal choice. Men with extra fat and tissue in the lower abdomen and men who are over 18 years of age at the time of surgery are also highly desirable.

Tummy Tuck Surgery in

Turkey Summary

Operation Number 1 session Time to return to work 10 days
Operation Time
2-3 hours
Recovery 7-9 days
Anesthesia General Anesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent with a Healthy&Nutritious Diet
Sensitivity Time 2-4 days Hospital Stay 1-2 days
Package Price  EUR 4200 for more information

If this article did not provide sufficient answers to your questions, you can get detailed information by clicking on the link below. We are always ready to help you.

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