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The Ultimate Rhinoplasty Surgery Guide in Turkey

The Ultimate Rhinoplasty Surgery Guide in Turkey is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about rhinoplasty surgery and its process. We kindly shared in the main headings with you;

  • What Is Rhinoplasty?
  • What are the Types Of Rhinoplasty surgery?
  • What is Open Rhinoplasty Surgery?
  • What is Close Rhinoplasty Surgery?
  • What is Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty (Ultraplasty)?
  • What is Rhinoplasty with Injectable Fillers (non-surgical rhinoplasty)?
  • What is Nose Restoration Rhinoplasty?
  • Can Nose be Treated with Laser?
  • Are There any Age-related Limits for Rhinoplasty?
  • Rhinoplasty for elder people
  • What are the Procedures Before Rhinoplasty?
  • What can I encounter on the day of rhinoplasty surgery?
  • After the Rhinoplasty surgery
  • Rhinoplasty Surgery Results
  • Food and Medicine
  • Why Turkey Should Be Selected For Rhinoplasty?
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty 
  • Treatment Summary
  • The Risks in Rhinoplasty

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the nasal skeleton and causes the underlying structures to change, thus improving the shape and function of the nose. People, who prefer rhinoplasty, balance their noses with the rest of their facial features or breathe clear and calm. Additionally, there are two types of plastic surgery used in Rhinoplasty. The first of these is defined as reconstructive surgery that restores the shape and functions of the nose, and the other is defined as aesthetic surgery that changes the appearance of the nose. Reconstructive surgery aims to eliminate nasal injuries caused by many traumas also reconstructive aims to treat breathing problems and failed primary rhinoplasties. Rhinoplasty is used to narrow the width of the nostril, to change the angle between the nose and mouth, or to correct other problems that affect breathing, such as sinus conditions. Open Rhinoplasty Surgery is regardless of whether the nasal tasteful system will be done open or shut joint choice is made by the specialist and the patient. After the pre-assessment for every one of these systems, the kind of Rhinoplasty can be controlled by the specialists. Closed rhinoplasty is known to the public as a scarless rhinoplasty that has some advantages and disadvantages.


Open Rhinoplasty Surgery

Whether the nasal aesthetic procedure will be done open or closed joint decision is made by the surgeon and the patient. After the pre-examination for all these procedures, the type of Rhinoplasty can be determined by the experts.


  • All bone and cartilage structure can be seen
  • Since it is an open procedure, it offers the opportunity to see the nasal structure directly
  • The biggest advantage of open nose aesthetics is that planning can be done more accurately,
  • The possibility of being aesthetic again in open nose aesthetics is significantly low.
  • It is very unlikely that there may be a 2-3 mm scar hidden at the tip of the nose,
  • Edema takes a little more time to disappear compared to closed nose surgery

Closed Rhinoplasty Surgery

Closed rhinoplasty is known to the public as a scarless rhinoplasty that has some advantages and disadvantages;


· The surgery is done through the nostrils, without any scar and without any use.
· There is no possibility to see any traces from the outside,
· Recovery time is faster than open nose aesthetics.


· Surgeon’s intervention and planning area may be limited in closed rhinoplasty. Therefore, the plastic surgeon and his team must be experienced in this regard.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty (Ultraplasty):

One of the most important parts of rhınoplasty surgeries is the reshaping of the nasal bones. This procedure is designed and should be done in full alignment with both your forehead and mid-face as well as your chin. This procedure is performed in rhinoplasty using a variety of surgical instruments and micromotors. In ultrasonic rhinoplasty, it is done delicately with the help of an ultrasonic surgical system without damaging the soft tissues and cartilages. Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is performed delicately with an ultrasonic surgical system without damaging soft tissues and cartilages. This technique used gives better results compared to traditional methods in patients with septal deviation and thick nasal bones. Ultraplasty systems are made using special tool and tip combinations specially designed for rhinoplasty.

  • Improving the shape and size of the nose: This can involve altering the bridge, tip, nostrils, or overall proportion of the nose.
  • Correcting functional issues: Rhinoplasty can fix deviated septums, which can cause breathing difficulties, and address other structural problems affecting nasal function.
  • Enhancing facial harmony: A well-proportioned nose can balance other facial features and improve overall aesthetics.

Rhinoplasty with injectable fillers (non-surgical rhinoplasty):    

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as injection rhinoplasty, is an uncommon type of rhinoplasty. Dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medical assistants or general plastic surgeons can do this procedure. Some injectable products are used instead of using cuts to correct the imperfections in the nose. Juvederm and Restylane are the most used products. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not permanent. Over time, the skin absorbs the products injected into the skin and the changes made disappear, requiring additional processing. All out nose reclamation needs numerous surgeries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Non-surgical rhinoplasty methods:

-Nasal Filling:

Nasal filling is known as non-surgical rhinoplasty, it is applied without surgical intervention and refers to changes in the shape of the nose. The nose filing process is used in the case of aquiline noses and to reduce the height of the nasal ridge. The net is used during rhinoplasty operations and the back height of the nose is reduced to the desired level by using the net. In cases when the nasal hump is very high, the excess part can be removed using rasping or excision depending on the surgeon’s opinion, but filling the nasal hump and bringing it to the desired level creates a more controlled process. On the other had, hyaluronic acid is a type of acid that gives volume to the skin, and materials such as this acid are injected into the nose area with appropriate techniques. Through this procedure, the nasal cavities, indentations, contour deficiencies, and asymmetries are temporarily treated, so there is no permanence thus this process should be repeated at certain time intervals.

-Nose Tip Botox:

Botox procedure is applied through the muscle to the tip of the nose from the part where the nose joins the lip. In this way, an increase is provided at the tip of the nose as the muscle relaxes with the effect of botox.

-Lifting Nose Tip Using Thread:

It is a suture procedure used in these surgeries. Also, this procedure does not provide long-term permanence like other applications.

-Nose restoration rhinoplasty:

In cases of tumorectomy or after trauma, lost parts can deform the nose very much. Nose restoration is the plastic surgery needed to reform the absent or damaged tissues and it is often replaced with other tissues. The three replaced nose layers which are flexible external skin tissue, including skin and sub-skin delicate tissue, bone-cartilage frame, and Internal mucosal lining.

Can nose be treated with laser?

The use of laser can damage some inner parts of the nose. Because laser cuts and vaporizes tissues, it can also cause cell death as it heats the tissues. On the other hand, laser is used carefully in the treatment of some nasal diseases, for example, rhinophyma, which causes abnormal growth of the nasal sebaceous glands, is performed outside the nose, so non-surgical nasal narrowing is possible with laser. A few specialists utilize a laser rather than a surgical blade to make little cuts under the nose in open rhinoplasty. Nasal hypersensitivities coming about because of greater ligaments on the nasal septum.

Are there any age-related limits for rhinoplasty?

There is no set age for Rhinoplasty, but adolescents and children should avoid plastic surgery as their noses continue to develop. In addition, rhinoplasty is a process that can occur after the age of 16 in women and after the age of 18 in men.

Rhinoplasty for elder people:

The signs of aging in the nose are like symptoms that occur in all other parts of the human face. These types of operations involve nasal sagging, bumps in the flattened or unclear nasal tip or bridge of the nose. This type of rhinoplasty’s purpose is to correct these age-related changes. Rhinoplasty in elders is generally done along with face and eyelids medical procedures.

What are the Procedures Before Rhinoplasty?

·The most important reason for nasal aesthetics is the aesthetic concerns experienced by the person, so the patients are first asked to tell about their past and aesthetic concerns are tried to be understood better.

  • If the patient also has functional problems, it will be learned in this preliminary interview.
  • When the patient and the specialist speak, the patient’s allergies, substance use, previous nasal aesthetics, or full medical history information are always discussed.
  • After the patient’s history is discussed, a complete physical examination is also required. In addition, a final meeting can be made with the anesthesiologist before the operation.
    · As the last step, important details related to the patient’s skin type, existing scars, symmetry and facial aesthetics are noted by the surgeon and examination is performed if necessary.

What can I encounter on the day of rhinoplasty surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgery can be applicable in a hospital, an ambulatory facility, or an office-based operating room. Most rhinoplasty strategies take at any rate one to three hours to finish however may take longer. Medicines are administered during the surgical procedure for your comfort. General anesthesia is commonly used during rhinoplasty, but local anesthesia may be used in some cases. For safety during surgery, various monitors are used to checking the heart, blood pressure, pulse, and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood. Your surgeon will follow the surgical plan done earlier before your operation. After the surgery is complete, you will be taken to an area where you will continue to monitor closely. A splint will be placed outside your nose aim to support the new shape of the nose while it heals. There will be a splint placed outside the nose to support the new shape of the nose until the nose heals. In addition to providing support to the nose, a nasal tampon can be placed inside the nose. After a short period of observation, you will be able to go home.

After the Rhinoplasty surgery

After the medical surgery, you need to rest in bed with your head raised higher than your chest, to decrease bleeding and swelling. Your nose might be clogged due to expanding or from the supports set inside your nose during a medical procedure. Much of the time, the inner dressings stay set up for one to seven days after a medical procedure. Your doctor uses antel bands to your nose to provide protection and support. It usually stays in place for about a week. Light bleeding is common for a few days after surgery or after removing the dressing. Change the gauze as recommended by your doctor. Also, to reduce the chance of bleeding and swelling, your doctor may order the following precautions for a few weeks after surgery. Precautions include Avoid strenuous activities. Take a shower instead of bathing with a bandage on your nose. Do not blow your nose. Avoid the sea, pool or sauna for the first 4-5 weeks after surgery. Do not wear glasses within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. To avoid constipation, foods with fiber such as fruits and vegetables. Constipation can put pressure on the surgical site and cause you difficulties. Avoid laughing or excessive facial expressions. Wear tied clothes in front. Do not wear clothing such as shirts or sweaters over his head. Also, to avoid pressure on the nose, do not rest on your nose glasses or sunglasses for at least four weeks after surgery. Use sunscreen because too much sun can cause permanent uneven discoloration of the skin of the nose, especially outside of the nose position. Two or three weeks after nose surgery, a temporary swelling or black-blue discoloration may occur on the eyelids. but It takes a little more time for the swelling in the nose to pass. Limiting sodium in your diet will help you go away swelling faster. Do not put things like ice or cold packs in your nose after the surgery.


Rhinoplasty is a relatively safe and easy procedure, but the healing process may take some time. Very small changes in your nose structure, these changes are usually measured in millimeters and can show a big difference in the appearance of your nose. The tip of your nose is particularly delicate and can stay numb and swollen for months. You may be completely recuperated in few weeks, however, a few impacts can wait for quite a long time. It very well may be an entire year before you can completely see the value in the final product of your medical procedure. Oftentimes, an experienced surgeon can get results that are pleasing to you.

Food and Medicine

Stay away from drugs containing headache medicine or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) for about fourteen days when medical procedure. These drugs may build bleeding. Take just those prescriptions endorsed or recommended by your specialist. Additionally, stay away from homegrown cures and over-the-counter enhancements. In the event that you smoke, quit smoking. Smoking reduces back the recuperating interaction after a medical procedure and may make you bound to get an infection.

Why Turkey Should Be Selected For Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be possible in numerous nations all throughout the world yet Turkey is the most ideal choice to get the important activity effectively. The objective to be liked in corrective methods ought to have a few highlights. That is the reason Turkey is the best option. Since rhinoplasty, which is a cosmetic procedure, greatly affects the general appearance of the people, the quality of the surgery must be extremely high. Another issue is cost. As is referred to, corrective strategies are known as costly methodology everywhere in the world. Therefore, individuals center around ease after quality. Turkey is the most ideal choice in the world as it satisfies the necessities regarding both quality and cost. Health investments in Turkey is carried out in accordance with certain principles for many years thus, the quality of health has reached a serious level, which is not even achievable in most European countries.

Frequently asked questions about Rhinoplasty:

1.What are the differences between rhinoplasty and septoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgery to change the state of the nose. Since both breathing and the nose’s shape are interrelated, a rhinoplasty may some of the time be performed not exclusively to change the manner in which the nose looks yet, in addition, to improve breathing through the nose.

Septoplasty is a surgery to improve breathing by fixing the divider inside the nose that partitions the nasal sections into a privilege and a left side (nasal septum). At the point when the septum is slanted, it can make it harder to inhale through the nose. A septoplasty is frequently joined with a rhinoplasty.

2.How long does rhinoplasty last?

Rhinoplasty methodology may require at least one hour, contingent totally upon the intricacy of the case and the fastidious advances needed for an ideal result.

3.Is there any bruising after the operation?

There may or may not be bruising depending on the condition of the surgery.  Patients with bruises, light or sensitive skin, and those who need repositioning of the nasal bones are more likely to bruise. Most of the bruising recovers from surgery after 10-12 days.

4.I have had a rhinoplasty previously and I am discontent with my outcome. Would this be able to be fixed?

The revision of a rhinoplasty can be a very factor and relies altogether on the patient’s desires and life systems and the methodology which was done previously. In some cases, minor touchups are everything necessary, and indifferent some cases a significant amendment of the basic nasal constructions is essential. Correction of a rhinoplasty ordinarily is more perplexing and takes longer than a rhinoplasty performed interestingly and the assumption for what could be sensibly accomplished might be lower.

5.Is rhinoplasty painful?

Not for the vast majority. One day after the medical procedure, the vast majority rate their torment somewhere in the range of 0 and 4 out of 10.

6.Does rhinoplasty cause the sense of smell to disappear?

This process applied does not negatively affect the sense of smell because an incision in that area, etc. no intervention is made. There may be mild nasal congestion due to edema in the nose for a short time after the procedure. As a result, it will affect the sense of smell to a certain level until the swelling in the nose passes.

7.Can sinusitis patients have a rhinoplasty?

There are no reason sinusitis patients should not undergo rhinoplasty therefore sinusitis patients can have a rhinoplasty.

8.Can nasal concha and nasal congestion be corrected with rhinoplasty?

Conditions that cause nasal congestion and respiratory problems such as concha and deviating septum can be corrected simultaneously with rhinoplasty.


  • You should follow the instructions of your surgeon and team after you have had Rhinoplasty.
  • Rhinoplasty can be done in all seasons and the effect and healing period do not change regardless of the season.
  • The possibility of bleeding after nasal aesthetics is low. if it does, it will be in the form of small currents.
  • It is not possible to give a clear answer for the duration of bruising after rhinoplasty but Swelling and bruises begin to subside in about a week, and complete recovery may take from one month to three months.
  • There may be very little loss of sense of smell in the recovery process after rhinoplasty, and this problem will disappear when the nose is restored and healed.

Ultimate Rhinoplasty Surgery Turkey Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 Time to return to work 3-4 days
Operation Time 1-3 hours Recovery 3-4 days
Anesthesia General Anesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3-4 days Hospital Stay 1 night
Price EUR 3200


The Risks in Rhinoplasty

Having plastic surgery is a very personal decision. You will have to decide if the risks and potential complications of rhinoplasty are acceptable and if the benefits will reach your goals. You will be informed by your specialist doctor about the risks of rhinoplasty before surgery. Generally known risks are as follows.

  • Anesthesia risks
  • Change in skin sensation. Numbness or pain may occur.
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • Skin discoloration and swelling
  • Inadequate nose appearance

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