Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

Septoplasty Cost in Turkey is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Septoplasty Cost in Turkey and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • What is Septum?
  • What is septum deviation?
  • How is the diagnosis made?
  • What is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery)?
  • Why is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery) performed?
  • What is Endoscopic Septoplasty?
  • What is Revision SEPTOPLASTY?
  • What is Open SEPTOPLASTY?
  • How is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery) performed?
  • At What Ages and Seasons Is Septoplasty Surgery Performed?
  • What are the Advantages of Septoplasty Surgery?
  • What are the Advantages of Septoplasty Surgery?
  • What should I pay attention to before the operation?
  • Will there be tampons in the nose after the operation?
  • What awaits me after the operation?
  • Will there be tampons in the nose after the operation?
  • When can I go back to school/work/normal life?
  • Does Septum Deviation Recur After Surgery?
  • When should I call my doctor?
  • Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

The nose is one in every of the foremost important organs at the start of the external tract and is involved within the correct execution of breathing, which is one amongst the foremost vital functions. The full of the bone and cartilage structures that form the midline of the nose and act as a wall between the 2 nostrils is termed the septum. In cases where the septum isn’t positioned correctly and is curved, complaints about breathing and related problems occur. Problems with breathing through the nose affect people’s lives negatively and greatly reduce their quality of life.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.

What is Septum?

The septum is that the body structure within the inner a part of the nose that divides the nose into two compartments within the midline. The septum is partially bone and mostly cartilaginous. Under normal conditions, it’s necessary to divide the nose into two equal parts in order that equal breathing is obtained from both nostrils. However, in almost 70-80% of individuals, there’s a deviation within the septum, which is structurally present from birth or develops as a results of traumas over time, and these patients are diagnosed with ‘septum deviation’. The operation performed to correct these curvatures is named ‘septoplasty’ operation.
Not every nasal curvature is operated on. Septoplasty surgery is required in cases where the nasal curvature is in the midst of symptoms like nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing through the nose, snoring, recurrent nosebleeds, frequent sinusitis infections, persistent nasal discharge or chronic headache.
Apart from the septum, there are anatomical structures called ‘concha’ inside the nose, which make it easier for us to breathe and are chargeable for moisturizing the nose. Growth and swelling may occur in these structures, sometimes structurally and sometimes because of allergic causes. This makes it harder to breathe. More successful results are often obtained by intervening within the turbinates additionally to septoplasty operations.

What is septum deviation?

The inability to position the septum within the midline of the nose correctly and its curvature for various reasons creates the condition called “septum deviation”. Within the deviation of the septum, the bone and cartilage structure called the septum within the middle of the nose settles during a trapezoidal way, making it difficult for the person to breathe through the nose, and in some cases, it causes the nostrils to be completely closed, making it impossible to breathe through the nose. Most of the time, septum deviation, which is caused by previous physical traumas, can sometimes occur within the mother’s womb or sometimes thanks to genetic reasons and structurally.
Septum deviation are often among swelling of the soft tissues within the nose called turbinate, that is, hypertrophy of the concha, making it even tougher to breathe through the nose. Septum deviation might also cause complaints like chronic nasal congestion, inability to breathe through the nose, occasional nosebleeds, recurrent sinus infections (sinusitis), post-nasal drip and snoring, and should play a facilitating role within the progression of systemic disorders like heart, pressure level, etc.

Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

How is the diagnosis made?

The septum is examined by opening the nose wings a touch with an instrument called a nasal speculum. Endoscopic examination is performed to work out the posterior a part of the septum, turbinate bone, and therefore the places where the sinus canals open into the nose. Within the endoscopic examination, an intranasal examination is performed with a 2.7 or 4 mm thick instrument called a nasal endoscope, with a little camera and light-weight at the tip. Both examination methods are painless and take a brief time. Examination isn’t often required for the diagnosis of deviation, but if there are other nasal problems like overgrowth of the turbinal, sinusitis, and polyps, sinus tomography is performed and also the nose and surrounding sinus structures are often evaluated intimately.

What is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery)?

In cases where the septum is during a curved position for various reasons and septum deviation is observed, the surgical procedure within which bone and cartilage tissues are arranged is termed “Septoplasty” (septum deviation surgery). During this operation, the bone tissues that prevent inhaling the nose are removed and also the existing cartilage tissues are rearranged and positioned accordingly.

Why is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery) performed?

Deviation of the septum can cause other problems besides causing difficulty in breathing. While not having the ability to breathe through the nose especially during sleep causes sleep disorders, mouth dryness, throat infections, snoring and oral health problems because of mouth breathing caused by deviation negatively affect the health and luxury of lifetime of people. Although chronic nasal obstruction doesn’t directly cause a systemic disease, it paves the way for existing diseases to progress more easily. So as to unravel of these problems, septoplasty operations are performed.

What is Endoscopic Septoplasty?

These are the procedures that we take under the endoscopic image of the protrusions that occur within the back of the septum and shut the sinus openings. This surgical method is straightforward. We don’t need a silicone pad after the procedure by obtaining a decent view.

What is Revision SEPTOPLASTY?

It is the surgery that we apply to correct the complications that occur after the primary surgery of individuals who have had SEPTOPLASTY surgery before. We perform a operation to get rid of nasal congestion and crooked cartilage structures that don’t seem to be adequately corrected within the first surgery.


The cartilage and bone curves extend slightly below the roof of the nose or towards the tip of the septum. We fix these parts that can’t be corrected with classical surgery with the surgical method we call open technique septoplasty. In such cases, we use the open technique SEPTOPLASTY method. During this procedure, we start the operation by making an incision on the surface of the nose, and after correcting the curved parts, we sew the cuts.

How is Septoplasty (Septum Deviation Surgery) performed?

As in every operation, it’svitalto createthe proper diagnosis in septoplasty operations. For this reason, first of all, the overall health status of the patient and also the disorders within theseptum structure are determined. At this stage, sometimes radiographic imaging methods and intranasal cameras are used.
Then, it’s decided which anesthesia method are going to be applied in accordance with the patient’s condition. While anesthesia techniques were frequently utilized in septoplasty operations within the past, general anaesthesia is preferred considering the patient comfort, along with the improved anesthesia techniques and also the increase in anesthesia reliability today.
After the anesthesia is provided, the operation phase is started. At this stage, alittle incision is formed under the nose to achieve the interior tissues and also the excess bone tissue is faraway from this opening. Then, if there are problems within the cartilage tissues that don’t occur in excess, these are corrected within the nose and also the operation is completed. If the structural problems within the cartilage tissues are an excessive amount of to be operated inside the nose, the cartilage tissues are often shaped outside the nose and repositioned.
If the curvature of the nose isn’t only associated with the inner structures and there’s a bone curvature from the skin, the technique called “open technique”, during which the nose skin is stripped and therefore the operation is performed, is performed.
In some cases, septoplasty operation are often performed together with a nose aesthetic operation called “rhinoplasty”. Concha hypertrophy, within which intranasal soft tissues swell because of allergies, etc., also can be treated by intervening within the same operation.
The incision opened after the operation is closed with the assistance of sutures. Sometimes self-dissolving stitches are used, while sometimes it’s going to be necessary to get rid of the stitches 1 week after the operation. At the top of the operation, tampons are placed within the nostrils to regulate bleeding. The tampons developed today are generally silicone-based, and since the silicone tampons allow the patient to breathe, they’re far more comfortable than the tampons utilized in the past. Within 2-3 days following the septum deviation surgery, the tampons are removed under the supervision of the physician who performed the surgery.

Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

At What Ages and Seasons Is Septoplasty Surgery Performed?

It may be done after the age of 16-17 in girls and 17-18 in boys when the cartilage-bone development is essentially completed. there’s no upper regulation unless there’s an obstacle to the surgery. In some exceptional cases, septoplasty surgery also can be performed in children. Especially within the presence of deviations that completely prevent nasal breathing, cause apnea, and negatively affect mouth-jaw-tooth development, “child septoplasty” will be performed. However, since growth and development continue in children, we are able to make a limited intervention and correction without touching the expansion points of the septum. In about half of these children, reoperation could also be required at the age of 17-18. Septoplasty surgery is often performed in all told seasons, but surgery is suggested after the allergy period has passed in these patients, since intranasal edema, sneezing, and related bleeding could also be more common in patients with intense seasonal hypersensitivity reaction.

What are the Advantages of Septoplasty Surgery?

After the septoplasty surgery, the patient will not have difficulty breathing and also eliminates some problems due to nasal congestion.

  • Snoring,
  • Sinusitis Infections,
  • Postnasal drip,
  • It does not experience diseases such as Chronic Ligament Pain.

What should I pay attention to before the operation?

This surgery is performed with local (regional-only nasal area anesthetized) anesthesia likewise as; It also can be performed under anesthesia (with complete anesthesia). In surgeries to be performed under anesthesia, oral food or water intake should be stopped a minimum of 6 hours before the surgery. If there’s any medication that’s used continuously (such as blood thinners, force per unit area or diabetes medications), you want to inform your doctor. Any food supplements, vitamins or perhaps herbal teas should be discontinued 1 week before the surgery.

Will there be tampons in the nose after the operation?

After septoplasty operations, physicians may like better to put nasal packing for 1 or at the most 2 days. However, nowadays, these bumpers are made soft and simply removable. In fact, new generation tampons that are plastic, have holes to permit breathing through the nose or that may melt themselves are often used. Again, in some cases, the operation is terminated with no tampons by placing stitches that are inserted into the nose and dissolve on their own.
There will be no stitches that require to be removed after the operation, all stitches are far from the nose and can be self-melting.

If you want to get more detailed information about our packages related to this treatment, you can contact us. Just click on the link below.

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What awaits me after the operation?

Oral feeding isn’t started for a median of 4-6 hours after general anesthesia.
If you have got a tampon in your nose after the surgery, you will have to breathe through your mouth for a long time. it’s normal to possess occasional blood leaks from the nostrils or nasal passages into the mouth. Although it’s not very severe, you will have alittle amount of pain, during this case you’ll be able to use the painkillers recommended by your doctor. Sometimes there could also be a loss of sensation within the anterior upper teeth and palate, but it’ll return to normal over time.
On the primary day after anesthesia, a warm and diet is usually recommended, but there’s often no food restriction within the next period.
Depending on your doctor’s preference, you’ll have to use antibiotics.
During the healing process, it’s recommended to sleep on a high pillow and on the rear.
There could also be crusting within the nose thanks to leaks and operation. Your doctor will recommend nasal wash solutions (with saline or ocean waters) for this. Please don’t attempt to clean them by hand as you will cause an infection. during this process, it’s recommended to not stay in very dry environments if possible, and if possible, humidify your room with cold steam devices.
Again, within the first few days of the operation, congestion may develop because of edema within the nose. This problem is overcome with nasal washing and nasal sprays that your doctor will recommend if necessary.
You should not blow your nose for about 1 week and 10 days; this might cause unwanted bleeding. after you have to sneeze, keeping your mouth open will prevent excessive pressure within the nose and also the risk of bleeding are going to be prevented. If your sneezing is constant, allergy medications is also recommended to alleviate you. you would like to be shielded from traumas to the nose. Intense and heavy exercises should be avoided for the primary 4 weeks.
There is no harm in taking a shower, but a warm bath should be done, hot bath can cause bleeding from the nose.
There is no harm in using glasses.

Will there be tampons in the nose after the operation?

After septoplasty operations, physicians may like better to put nasal packing for 1 or at the most 2 days. However, nowadays, these bumpers are made soft and simply removable. In fact, new generation tampons that are plastic, have holes to permit breathing through the nose or that may melt themselves are often used. Again, in some cases, the operation is terminated with no tampons by placing stitches that are inserted into the nose and dissolve on their own.
There will be no stitches that require to be removed after the operation, all stitches are aloof from the nose and can be self-melting.

When can I go back to school/work/normal life?

Recovery time varies from person to person. The average recovery time is between 1-4 weeks, but often patients can return to their normal lives and do their own work after the 2nd day of the surgery.

Does Septum Deviation Recur After Surgery?

Deviation surgery (septoplasty) is an operation with a high expectation of success. Although it looks like a simple operation for several ENT surgeons, failure may occur if the right fixation isn’t made and therefore the correct technique isn’t applied. After a successful operation, deviation doesn’t recur unless there’s trauma to the nose or complications develop. However, additional techniques are required to correct high deviation, nasal cartilage tip deviation, and deviations within the variety of fracture lines within the nasal cartilage. In these cases, it’s sometimes necessary to perform surgery with the open technique. In crooked noses, aesthetic and functional nose surgery, which we call septorhinoplasty, should be performed together. the foremost important reason for failure is their ignorance. additionally, if there are other problems that cause nasal congestion, like turbinate bone enlargement, nasal valve stenosis, nasal polyp, apart from deviation, they ought to be treated within the same session. Otherwise, nasal obstruction may continue whether or not the septoplasty is successful. just in case the deviation surgery fails or the deviation recurs, a second or third surgery are often performed.

When should I call my doctor?

  • Fever up to 38 degrees
  • Significant bleeding is possible and cannot be stopped when palpated
  • A foul-smelling, inflammatory discharge from the nostrils
  • In case of headache that does not go away despite painkillers, you should definitely contact your doctor.

Septoplasty Cost in Turkey

The cost of septoplasty in Turkey can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, the reputation of the clinic or hospital, the surgeon’s experience, and whether any additional procedures are combined with septoplasty. On average, you can expect the following price ranges:

  • Basic Septoplasty: The cost can range from $1,500 to $3,000.
  • Septoplasty with Rhinoplasty: The cost can be higher if the procedure is combined with cosmetic rhinoplasty, ranging from $2,500 to $5,000 or more.

These prices are generally lower than in many Western countries, so Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism. The price often includes the surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay, and post-operative care, but it’s important to clarify what’s included in the cost before proceeding.

If you want to get more detailed information about this surgery, just click on the link below. We are always ready to help you.

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