Laser-liposuction in Turkey

Laser-liposuction in Turkey

Laser-liposuction in Turkey is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Laser-liposuction in Turkey and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • What is Laser-liposuction?
  • For whom can laser-liposuction in Turkey be applied?
  • Does the skin sag after Laser-liposuction?
  • In which areas is laser-liposuction effective?
  • What should be considered after laser-liposuction surgery?
  • What are the side effects that can be seen in laser-liposuction?
  • What are the advantages of laser-liposuction?
  • What are the disadvantages of laser-liposuction?
  • What is the difference between laser liposuction and the classic liposuction technique?
  • Does fat occur in the same areas again after laser-liposuction?
  • What is Laser Lipolysis? What is the difference between Laser Lipolysis and Laser-liposuction?

What is Laser-liposuction?

The process of surgically removing the locally excess fat in the body with cannulas is called liposuction. In laser-liposuction in Turkey, the fat tissue is melted by heating with laser beams transmitted through a cannula inserted under the skin. This heat, which rises to approximately 50-52 degrees, can also provide tightening by heating the surrounding connective tissue and dermal collagen of the skin. The laser-liposuction method must be performed under sterile conditions in a hospital environment and by a plastic surgeon.
Especially due to hormonal and genetic differences, there are differences in fat storage in various regions of each person. In women, these areas are the abdomen, hips, inner and outer thighs, and in men, the abdomen. There is no serious shrinkage in these areas with exercise and diet, so the most suitable candidates for liposuction are patients with high-fat distribution, especially in these areas.

For whom can laser-liposuction in Turkey be applied?

  • Those with lubrication and slight sagging on the chin
  • Those with lubrication and mild or moderate sagging in the upper arm and lower parts
  • Men with gynecomastia
  • People between the ages of 35-45 who have lubrication and slight loosening on the back, waist and abdomen skin
  • Those with lubrication around the knee
  • Those with fat in the calves
  • Those with lubrication in their ankles
  • Those who have undergone liposuction before and need the latter
  • People who only need skin tightening without liposuction on the abdomen, breast, arms and legs

Does the skin sag after laser-liposuction?

After the fat tissues are removed with the laser-liposuction method, sagging of the skin can be observed, even if it is a little. Good skin tension and elasticity provide a rapid recovery after surgery. If there is excess skin along with fat in the abdomen, thigh and arm region, then stretching procedures should be applied.

In which areas is laser-liposuction effective?

  • The abdominal and back area
  • Knee inner and outer parts
  • Hip
  • Arms
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Breast
  • Neck (jowl and under the chin area)
  • Leg

What should be considered after laser-liposuction surgery?

Laser-liposuction in Turkey is actually the process of creating a controlled and low-level burn under the skin. Tightening occurs due to this heat trauma. For this reason, the postoperative period may be more painful than other types of liposuction. There may be a pain at night, especially in the first week. Pain can usually be easily controlled with painkillers. Depending on the type of anaesthesia applied, patients can leave the hospital 1-6 hours after the operation. If the pain is left aside, it is possible to return to work after 3-4 days with the fitted corset. It is important to use the corset for about 1 month in terms of maintaining the shape and rapid regression of oedema. The corset should not be folded in the same places all the time. Otherwise, a collapse may occur in that area. From the second week, all kinds of sports can be returned. After the procedure, bruises may occur in some areas, and it goes away after 1-2 weeks. The complete regression of oedema takes 1 month, and the result of the liposuction procedure appears exactly 2-3 months later.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.

What are the side effects that can be seen in laser-liposuction?

Due to the heating effect of LASER, bruising and bleeding are less common. Despite this, there is a small risk of hematoma and seroma. A hematoma is the blood that moves out from the vessel and collects in another tissue as a result of injury to the vessel wall. Seroma is the buildup of serous fluid in the dead area surrounding the breast following surgery. The pathogenesis of seroma has yet to be fully understood. Because of the fluid collection, seroma causes a longer hospital stay, higher costs, and infection. If the seroma or hematoma conditions occur, it should be emptied immediately. Even if the hematoma is absorbed and disappears in the long term, it creates a deformity where it disappears. There is numbness on the skin in the surgical area. This resolves spontaneously within 6 months. If the LASER probe touches the skin while the fats are melted, tiny point burns may occur here. Since the skin is very thin, especially in the upper inner part of the thigh, post-operative hyperpigmentation may occur in risky people. Temporary facial nerve malfunctions may develop around the mouth as a result of getting too close to the chin corner while removing the jowl with LASER. As the corrections are made manually, asymmetries may occur between the two sides. If this cannot be corrected with massage devices, a second procedure may be required. Very rarely, a fat embolism can occur when fats mix with the blood and go to the lungs and create coagulation. This can lead to fatal consequences.

What are the advantages of laser-liposuction?

Since LASER shows its effect by heating, it creates shortening/shrinking in protein-structured tissues; The clinical result of this is tightening. It can be said that it has opened a new era, especially in the sagging of the jowls and arms, because in the past, performing liposuction on these areas could cause further sagging of the emptied tissues. Skin tightening is possible without eliminating or melting fat. In this regard, its effectiveness is better than devices such as Ulthera and Thermaj applied from the skin surface. In areas such as calves and ankles, where liposuction was not possible in the past, only melting the fat and leaving it inside with LASER can also provide a thinning. Because the fat tissues that die with the effect of heat are cleared by the body within 2 months. In devices that can combine three wavelengths, the connective tissue bands that cause cellulite can be cut with the ‘Cellulase’ function. This can provide a relative improvement in cellulite. LASER is a stronger type of energy and is more successful in difficult areas: for example, breast tissue in men.

What are the disadvantages of laser-liposuction?

LASER energy is not as selective and safe as VASER (another liposuction technique). It can heat all the tissues (including blood vessels and nerves) that it encounters. This requires careful use to avoid complications. Melting fat with LASER, removing it with liposuction, and then tightening the skin prolongs the operation time. Because it is necessary to give the energy slowly in order not to cause a burn. It takes 45 minutes to get 1 litre of oil in three wavelength systems. LASER beam can cause hardening and necrosis after a few weeks in fats that it does not melt. Necrosis is the abnormal death of one or more cells, tissues, or organs due to irreparable injury. Tissue death is the term for it. To prevent the hardening of the tissue or to decrease the chance of necrosis, massage sessions with a device such as LPG, Velashape or Exilis are absolutely necessary after the surgery.

What is the difference between laser liposuction and the classic liposuction technique?

In laser-liposuction, after administering the specially prepared liquid, the laser beam is directed towards the fat cells using a fiberoptic probe, softening and melting the fat cells. With the new generation, more powerful, devices that use more than one wavelength, there is the possibility of “removing more fat”. The nerves are not damaged by laser beams, and the thin vessels that are liable to bleed are removed. In comparison to the traditional approach, bleeding and oedema are less. There is little or no bruising. Healing happens very quickly. The amount of fat that can only be taken by giving blood in the classical method is taken without the need for blood transfusion in laser liposuction. The sagging areas after classical liposuction can maintain their form after the procedure without sagging with the skin tightening effect of laser liposuction. Collagen synthesis is stimulated, especially with laser wavelengths used to rejuvenate the skin, and new connective tissue formation is achieved. A significant recovery and tightening are achieved in the treated skin. Here is the classic liposuction device, before vacuuming the fat out, breaking it up with a sound wave (ultrasound) and turning it from solid to liquid; Laser-liposuction in Turkey, on the other hand, do the same with radio frequency, allowing us to remove only the fat and cause much less damage to other tissues.

Does fat occur in the same areas again after laser-liposuction?

The number of fat cells in our body is fixed. Depending on weight gain, the number of fat cells does not change. For example, if you have 1,500 fat cells in your body, even if you think that you have lost weight after weight loss, the number of fat cells does not change. Again, there are 1,500 fat cells. Depending on weight gain, these fat cells expand in volume and fat deposits occur. In front of the mirror or inside your clothes, you describe this situation as gaining weight. Depending on weight gain, there is storage in the fat cells and the fat cells expand. There is an increase in the volume of fat cells. As a result, we observe regional lubrication problems in the body.
In laser-liposuction methods performed after regional lubrication, the fat cells in the body with increased volume are removed during the application. In fat removal surgeries, all your fat cells in the areas with regional fat are not removed. Unremoved fat cells are both non-stored fat cells and cells that should be medically necessary for your life.
Your fat cells that expand in volume and have fat storage are removed. There is no re-deposition of fat in the areas where the fat cells have been removed. For example, if there are 500 fat cells in the area of ​​the body that has a regional lubrication problem, the number of fat cells is less than 500 after the application. When you start an unhealthy diet, when you do not spend energy to spend the calories you take in your body, it does not go up to 500 again because you start to gain weight.
After an unhealthy diet and a sedentary life, your fat cells that have not been removed before in laser-liposuction in Turkey or VASER liposuction methods can store fat. Cells that have not previously exhibited volume expansion may begin to expand in volume. If the patient gains more weight after liposuction, other areas will appear more swollen because there are fewer fat cells in the operated area. This leads to deformity. Therefore, patients should pay attention to their lifestyles and add diet and exercise to their lifestyle in order to preserve the result of the operation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

What is Laser Lipolysis? What is the difference between Laser Lipolysis and Laser Liposuction?

Laser lipolysis is a fat breakdown process that takes place by sending laser beams to the area where the excess is located. In laser liposuction, fat is broken down and removed from the body, while in laser lipolysis, the fat in the area is only broken down and left to be absorbed by the body.
Laser lipolysis; is a fat breakdown method. Fats are broken down by laser, but they are not taken out. It is expected that the fats will be removed from your body over time. Laser lipolysis is generally the method that can be applied in small fat deposits. These areas are under the chin and arm. Since the amount of fat is less, the skin recovers faster and the recovery time is shortly after the operation.
Laser liposuction; is the method in which both fat breakdown and degreasing processes are done. Fats are broken down by laser and removed from the body with the help of an aspirator and the targeted shape is seen during the operation. It can be preferred in areas with more lipid. Especially the belly, hips, and legs. Since the amount of fat is higher, the recovery period after the operation is longer than laser lipolysis.

Laser-liposuction in Turkey (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 Time to return to work 3-4 days
Operation Time 45 minutes Recovery 4-5 days
Anaesthesia Local Anesthesia Persistence of Results Temporary
Sensitivity Time 2-3 days Hospital Stay 1-6 hours
Laser-liposuction Cost in Turkey EUR 2,120


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