Is Hair Transplant Painful?

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

Is Hair Transplant Painful is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Is Hair Transplant Painful. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • What Is Hair Transplantation and How Does It Work?
  • In hair transplantation, what form of anaesthetic is used?
  • Does Hair Transplantation Cause Pain?
  • Is Hair Transplant Painful?
  • What are the different types of hair transplantation procedures?
  • What is the Most Common Hair Transplantation Method?
  • Is There Any Pain Associated With Local Anaesthesia?
  • Are There Any Alternatives to Local Anaesthesia?
  • Why Do People Get Drowsy After Hair Transplantation?
  • How Long Does Drowsiness Last After Hair Transplantation?
  • How Long Does It Take for Hair Transplant Pain to Go Away?

What Is Hair Transplantation and How Does It Work?

Hair transplantation is a natural and long-term cure for baldness and thinning hair in persons who have a hair loss problem. Hair transplantation is a microsurgical procedure that involves transplanting healthy hair follicles to regions where they are no longer active and baldness has occurred. The patient’s own healthy hair is transplanted into the affected region during hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a one-of-a-kind procedure that is meticulously planned and carried out. Hair follicles that are resistant to shedding are harvested in the patient’s nape area and transplanted into the channels that have been opened in the thinning or entirely shedding areas during the hair transplantation procedure. The goal is to create a natural-looking, permanent hairy appearance. Hair transplantation is a one-of-a-kind procedure that is meticulously planned and carried out. During the hair transplantation surgery, hair follicles that are resistant to shedding are taken from the patient’s nape area and transplanted into the channels that have been opened in the thinning or completely shedding areas. The goal is to create a permanent hairy look in a natural way that is not visible when the planting is done on the head. Hair transplant surgery is a very simple procedure. As a result, doing it in a hospital setting by a team of specialists and experienced doctors is the safest method to accomplish it. The person’s own hair is permanently gained as if it had never been gone using the hair transplantation procedure. In hair transplantation, our goal is to restore a person’s hair to its original state. Hair transplantation restores a person’s own hair to its original state as if it had never been lost.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.Invest in your health, invest in a brighter future. Our comprehensive medical programs deliver real results, while you indulge in the beauty and serenity of our destination.

In hair transplantation, what form of anaesthetic is used?

Although hair transplantation is preferred by both women and men, there are reservations about whether people feel pain in their heads. However, since hair transplantation is an operation performed under local anaesthesia, pain is not felt under any circumstances.

Does Hair Transplantation Cause Pain?

Hair transplantation is an application that takes 5-6 hours. The procedure is the transfer of healthy hair grafts taken from the area of ​​healthy hair, which is the upper side of the nape, to the sparse area. Since anaesthesia will be applied during the procedure, pain is not felt. However, there may be a headache from the procedure, although it is rare. This is perfectly normal and expected. In the following days, the patient enters the healing process quickly and pain is not felt.

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

Since hair transplantation is performed under local anaesthesia, almost no pain is felt during the procedure. However, slight pain may be felt for about a day after planting, when the effect of local anaesthesia wears off. The pain you will feel will be kept to a minimum with the painkillers that our doctor will give. In addition, redness, pain and discomfort in the transplanted area may be felt for a few days after the procedure. It should be noted that most patients did not need painkillers in the post-sowing period. When the procedure is started, you may feel some pain while local anaesthetic injections are made. The level of pain you will feel is very close to the pain of needles made so that you do not feel pain when you go to the dentist. You may feel a stretch on your scalp during the procedure. This stretching feeling is felt more in plantings made with the FUT technique. Since the FUE technique is used in our clinic, the feeling of tension does not cause discomfort to the patients. Since the pain threshold varies from patient to patient, some people describe this feeling of tension as “mild pain”, while many of our patients say that they feel almost no discomfort. The purpose of hair transplantation is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the patient. The level of satisfaction with the procedure is quite high and this causes many patients to ignore temporary side effects such as redness and pain. Various magazines, books, music, tablets, etc. are kept in order for the patients who have had the procedure not to be bored during the procedure and not to concentrate on the process. In addition, the treated chair is specially designed for hair transplant patients to feel comfortable throughout the procedure.

What are the different types of hair transplantation procedures?

There are three hair transplant methods: FUE, FUT and DHI. FUT, hair transplantation method is one of the modern hair transplantation methods that has been applied since 1990. In this method, in which a small surgical procedure is applied, the scalp is cut and removed in strips from the donor area, which consists of genetically stronger, non-shedding hair. Then, under the microscope, the hair follicles are separated from these strips and planted one by one into small channels opened in the recipient area. Since the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, no pain is felt, a small amount of pain may be experienced after the procedure. Depending on the amount of hair follicle to be transplanted, a session may take 4-8 hours. For additional sessions, it is expected that the sutured place will heal completely (1-2 months). The price of FUT is more suitable because less labour and time is spent. It is especially recommended for people with large bald areas. FUE hair transplantation method (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the most used method in the world and it has been the preferred method in hair transplantation in our country for the last 15 years. The innovations brought by the FUE method to hair transplantation are as follows:

  • No incision is on the scalp of the patient. Therefore, the recovery time is short and there is no suture scar. Hair follicles are taken from the donor area with the help of 0.7-0.8 mm special punches.
  • Since the hair follicles are taken one by one from the patient’s ear and nape area, excessive bleeding does not occur and there is no scar.
  • A hair transplant operation is performed under local anaesthesia. Therefore, the operation can be continued throughout the day by taking a break when necessary. Operations usually end in a time frame of 6-7 hours.
  • Since the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, the patient does not feel pain.
  • Since the hair follicles are taken one by one for the area to be transferred, in patients with insufficient donor area, roots can be taken from the beard and chest hair and transferred to the balding area when necessary.
  • It is possible to plant more frequently.
  • Since the recovery period is short, the time to regain a natural appearance is also short.
  • Since the hair follicles to be transplanted to the balding area in the FUE method are taken from the area that does not fall out (above the ears and the nape), the transplanted hair does not fall out either.

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a technique that offers advantages over FUE. The procedure of extracting hair follicles from the ear and neck in DHI hair transplantation is the same as in FUE hair transplantation. The hair follicles gathered on the scalp in the FUE procedure are opened and the process is completed by opening the channels during the transplanting phase. In the DHI method, the roots collected for sowing are placed in special Choi pens and left directly under the skin. The advantages of this are:

  • Since the roots are placed directly under the skin in the DHI hair transplant method, the risk of being left out is eliminated.
  • Since the extracted roots are placed directly without opening the canal, the bleeding that occurs in the canal opening is eliminated. Therefore, since the operator has a more comfortable view and working opportunity, it allows for more frequent planting.
  • Recovery time is shorter.
  • For women or long-haired male hair transplant patients, it can be applied to the area to be transplanted without cutting the hair.
  • Since there is no channel opening process in the process of placing the hair follicles, the process of directing the hair with Choi pens is performed in a healthier and easier way.
  • In addition to hair transplantation, the results obtained in the DHI method in beard, moustache and eyebrow transplantation are more successful than FUE.
  • The only disadvantage of the DHI hair transplantation method is that the needles and pens used in the operation are very expensive, and the price of hair transplantation is high.

What is the Most Common Hair Transplantation Method?

FUE hair transplantation technique, which is the most used old hair transplantation technique in hair transplantation operations. The FUE method is extremely powerful and is a more advanced application method than the first FUT method. One of the biggest tricks of the FUE method is transplanting without doing anything.


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Is There Any Pain Associated With Local Anaesthesia?

Hair transplant operations are generally comfortable operations for the patient. The operation is completed in as comfortable conditions as possible without feeling any pain or suffering. Local anaesthesia is administered subcutaneously using a very fine needle. A very small pain may be felt while it is being done. However, it cannot be said that it is exactly pain.

Are There Any Alternatives to Local Anaesthesia?

Most of the patients who ask the “Is hair transplant painful?” question over and over again, put themselves under stress. Despite the high demand for hair transplantation, the feeling that people may feel pain makes them nervous. However, in hair transplantation, apart from local anaesthesia, hair transplantation is performed using sedation anaesthesia depending on the patient’s request. In patients with sedation anaesthesia, the patient is not in a state of complete sleep. However, he does not feel any operation from the beginning to the end. It is usually asleep. In some cases, patients prefer general anaesthesia. Sedation is one of the anaesthesia methods that will not look like general anaesthesia and can be used easily in hair transplant operations.

Why Do People Get Drowsy After Hair Transplantation?

The main reason for drowsiness after hair transplantation is anaesthesia applied to the area where the roots are taken and the area to be transplanted. Considering that the amount of anaesthesia is related to the physiology of the patient being treated, it is clearly seen that the duration and severity of numbness also vary from patient to patient.

How Long Does Drowsiness Last After Hair Transplantation?

The critical point about the numbness that occurs as a result of anaesthesia is; This situation will disappear with time. In general terms; The drowsiness that disappears in the first 24-hour period after hair transplantation, although rare, may spread to longer periods. In this case, the opinion of the experts; is unified to be in constant coordination with the treating physician and to contact the physician directly for the periods after 24 hours. After hair transplantation, it is extremely normal to observe numbness in the area where the operation was performed. The numbness after hair transplantation will first decrease 8 to 10 hours after the operation. In a few weeks following the healing of the operated area, the numbness will disappear completely. However, numbness after hair transplantation can be observed for a longer period of time in some people. The numbness that lasts for a few months in some people continues even after 8 to 9 months after the surgery in some people. Patients who feel such prolonged drowsiness are alarmed; however, this is normal, and numbness may be felt in the donor area for up to a year after the operation.

How Long Does It Take for Hair Transplant Pain to Go Away?

Like the “Is hair transplant painful?” question, “when the pain goes away?” is also a common question. After hair transplantation, it is very common to have pain in the operated region. Many people wonder how long the pain will last after hair transplantation. Pain after hair transplantation can be present based on the hair transplantation method that is used. The pain in the head and neck is generally observed for 3-4 days in the FUE method; In the FUT method, pain can last from 5-6 days to two weeks. However, it will be difficult to give an exact time for how long the pain will last.

                      Is Hair Transplant Painful Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1-6 sessions Time to return to work after the operation
Operation Time 3 hours Recovery 36 hours
Anaesthesia Local Anesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 3-4 days Hospital Stay 1 night
Price EUR 1550








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