Hair transplant after care process

Hair Transplant After Care Process

Hair Transplant After Care Process is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Hair Transplant After Care Process and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Hair Washing
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Scalp (Transplant Area) Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Scalp (Donor Site) Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Nutrition – Sleep and Habits Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Hair Treatment Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Clothing Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Water Contact Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Physical Activities Table
  • Hair Transplant After Care Process – Hairdresser Operations Table
  • Conditions to be Considered Before the Hair Transplant
  • Conditions to be Considered After Hair Transplant
  • Prescription
  • Our Hair Treatment Suggestions

Hair Washing

3-10 Days

  • The first wash from the cycle will be made by our clinic (day 3). The rest of the wash will be done by yourself.
  • Put the shampoo on the palm of your hand and do some foam with it. Apply the foam on the transplanted area by tapping and by massaging the donor area. (Please to use a bath sponge to squeeze without touching your head and disperse the foam on all your head.)
  • Rinse your head again afterward.
  • Between 3-10 days, repeat the above-described washing instructions every day.
  • Do not touch your head with your hands during washing. Just touch gently with light movement the back of your head. Do not use a circular motion. You should only touch forward direction of your natural hair.

Hair Transplant After Care Process 1

Hair Transplant After Care Process 2


  • Never touch the first 3 days of the transplanted area in any way, do not scratch, do not wash.
  • The first three days are very important, and you must be careful. Do not rub your head in any way. Because any friction can dislodge the tiny grafts inserted into your recipients.
  • Your first washing will start the 3rd day from your hair transplant. To not immerse yourself you can only wash your body. Do not use towels to dry your head or cotton but only with the light touch of paper napkins.
  • After awaiting 20 minutes the lotion on your head, foaming the shampoo, and in non-pressurized water wash your head.
  • Irritation and itching can be noticed in the transplanted areas after the surgery. Do not scratch your head in the first 15 days. Please contact our experts if you’re very uncomfortable.

Hair Transplant After Care Process 3

Hair Transplant After Care Process 4

Nutrition – Sleep – Habits

  • During the first week, you have to sleep on your back and by using the neck pillow.
  • You should do lying supine or semi-recumbent position using a neck pillow or towel to support the back of your head, you should avoid burying your head in the pillow.
  • Keep away the first 3 days from salty food such as olives, cheese, pickles, and chips.
  • Do not consume alcohol, cigarette, hookah for a week and keep away from all tobacco products.

Hair Treatment

  • Do not use PRP, mesotherapy, growth factors, medical treatments, or hair loss spray for 3 months after hair transplant.


  • Do not touch or wear any hat during the first 3 days or have any contact with the transplanted area.
  • The first 3 days, use only the front button clothes.
  • From the day of your first wash, you can use the headband under the hat that we give you.
  • Wear your sports hats after 7 days, beret-hood after 10 days, and you must wait 30 days for helmets.
  • The first 10 days be careful in the low-ceilinged places. In particular, you should be careful also not to rub your heads while getting in or out of the car.

Water Contact

  • After 10 days you can enter the sea.
  • Use only warm water in your washing for up to 15 days.
  • You must wait at least 15 days for a hot shower, hammam, sauna.
  • Do not enter the pool for 1 month.

Physical Activities

  • For the first 3 days no sexual intercourse.
  • Do not bend, for 5 days, lean forward, or do activities for 5 days.
  • Do not lift heavy things for one week.
  • Stay away from sweaty activities for 7 days. Just dab with paper towels if you sweat. Do not definitely try to push or dry it hard, do not use a product other than paper napkins.
  • After 10 days you can do light sport, after 15 days you can do heavier activities.
  • You must wait 90 days for sports such as kick-box or football to avoid getting hits.


  • After 10 days you can cut your hair using scissors for the sides.
  • You must wait at least 3 months to dye your hair or use a hairdryer.
  • After 3 months you can use products like wax, topic, hair gel, pomade, spray. However, while using, only apply to your hair and make sure it does not touch your scalp you must wash your head before going to bed from these products.
  • You can use a shaver machine or razor after 3 months from the surgery.
  • Do not use at any stage of your life now wigs, prostheses, and so on.

Conditions to be Considered Before the Hair Transplant

  • Stop drinking alcohol, aspirin, vitamins, green herbal tea, energy drinks, and hookah for 7 days at least before the operation
  • Stop using medical hair cosmetics, lotions, and sprays at least 1 month before surgery.
  • Take a shower and make breakfast before coming to the clinic the day of the operation preferably wear comfortable clothes (shirt with buttons)
  • If you regularly take any medicines for any heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach discomfort, and chronic diseases, please inform the doctor and give him enough information.

Conditions to be Considered After Hair Transplant

General Recommendations

  • Use the prescription as given by your doctor.
  • We recommend you rest the first two days after the hair transplant. Avoid moving forward, walking, and standing, it can cause facial swelling. The headband, which is given after a hair transplant to minimize the risk of swelling must be used for 5 days. Let down the headband at night while doing hair wash and wear it right after and during the day
  • Do not use heavy cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, and its derivatives for at least a week.
  • Be careful 7 days after the hair transplant to not hit your head.
  • Do not sleep face down during the first week of the surgery.
  • For the first 10 days, you must wash your hair daily with the recommended shampoo and lotion.
  • Do not remove the headband while washing, you can let it down on your neck. 15 days from the surgery use the fingertips for 10 minutes once a day to massage the transplanted area with a circular motion.
  • After the last hair wash and during the 1st month, you will have a shock loss. This is an expected loss. Please do not worry. After 3rd month of the transplant, the hair loss will stop and your hair will start to grow.
  • At the 3rd, 6th, and 9th months send us your photo that is of crucial importance. We evaluate the difference after sowing so we can follow you and the transplant progress.


  • Ducoid 375mg 10 Tablet

DIB (One)                          S:2×1

MORNING                     EVENING

1 tablet                            1 tablet                5 days

(Use morning and evening after eating meals for 5 days)

  • Aprol Fort 550mg Tablet

DIB (One)                           S:2×1

MORNING                      EVENING

1 tablet                             1 tablet            When you feel pain

(Use only if you feel pain, not more than 2 times a day)

  • Prednol 16mg Tablet

DIB (One)                           S:2×1

MORNING                      EVENING

1 tablet                              1 tablet              3 days

(Use morning and evening after eating meals for 3 days)

  • Bepanthol Lotion

DIB (One)                           S:1×1

(Bring it to your washing day)

  • Sebamed Shampoo

DIB (One)                          S:1×1

(Bring it to your washing day)

If you want to get more detailed information about our packages related to this treatment, you can contact us. Just click on the link below.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liposuction

Our Hair Treatment Suggestions

  • Hair Multivitamin tablet

Hair Multivitamin Tablet is particularly formulated to strengthen the follicles and avoid hair loss for both men and women. Biotin: This B vitamin is essential for hair growth and can help to prevent hair loss.
Vitamin C: This antioxidant helps to protect hair from damage and promotes collagen production, which is important for healthy hair growth.
Vitamin E: Another antioxidant, vitamin E can help to improve blood circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth

  • Clinical Shampoo

It helps the operated area be washed very sensitively from the very first washing after the hair transplant. 

The licensed components and herbal extracts contained in our product such as PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica, Biotin, AnaGain, Procapil, Sodium DNA, Aminoacids, Saw Palmetto, Provitamin B5, Keratin, Collagen etc whose efficacy is clinically proven aim to protect the hair and meet it needs.

The fact that there are anti-irritant components in this formula supports the healthy progress of the course.

  • Clinical Serum

Clinical Serum has strong and dense ingredients. The fact that it’s applied from the 14th day helps the grafts cling and optimize the result of the transplant. It allows us to get a quicker and more efficient result compared to other hair care products.

The licensed components and herbal extracts that are predominantly present in its formula such as PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica, Biotin, AnaGain, Procapil, Hyaluronic acid, Sodium DNA, Aminoacids, Saw Palmetto, Provitamin B5, etc whose efficacy is clinically proven, aim to protect the hair and meet its needs.

  • PRP

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is concentrated blood plasma that contains approximately three to five times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition, it contains platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing and possibly hair growth. In the treatment of PRP, 10 cc of venous blood is taken. To obtain PRP, a patient’s blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the solid from liquid components, and platelet activators, such as thrombin, calcium chloride, and sometimes collagen, are added and injected into the scalp. Human blood contains mesenchymal stem cells and autologous blood products that contain essential and specific growth factors that assist in the tissue regeneration and healing process. It takes approximately 30 minutes.

  • Growth Factor

This process is implemented as a new approach to the treatment of hair loss. Hair nourishing vitamins, amino acids, and growth factors are applied to the scalp with tiny micro-needles over 0,8 mm named Skinstamp via hosting mechanism. The solution is applied through open channels with Skinstamp which increases the absorption. Growth Factor The Hair Complex nourishes the scalp and helps hair follicles to have a healthy growth cycle. Treatment results occur in 8-12 weeks (in mild cases). The best results are taken when the two treatments are combined differences in the results may be observed from one patient to another.

  • Anti-loss Herbal Hair Sprays

One month after hair transplant, to protect and strengthen both existing and transplanted hair by improving the quality of your hair, you can start to use herbal products to improve the success of the transplant surgery. Hair spray-effective products are widely preferred in terms of ease of use. Thanks to the content of active herbal ingredients, it nourishes the hair follicle, stimulates blood circulation, and allows hair growth. It helps the scalp of the patients that had or will have the hair transplant. It should be used regularly two times a day, in the morning and evening for 6 months. Your doctor can stop or adjust the dose after the 6th month, depending on your hair quality and also on your situation.

If you want to get more detailed information about this surgery, just click on the link below. We are always ready to help you.

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