Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about chemotherapy for prostate cancer and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

What is prostate cancer?

Cancer that develops in the prostate is known as prostate cancer. The seminal fluid, which feeds and carries sperm, is produced by the prostate, a little gland in men that resembles a walnut. One of the most prevalent forms of cancer is prostate cancer. A large number of prostate tumors are slow-growing and localized to the prostate gland, where they might not do much damage. On the other hand, aggressive forms of prostate cancer can spread swiftly, whilst slow-growing varieties may require little or no treatment at all. In its early stages, prostate cancer may show no symptoms at all.


The treatment options include immunotherapy, hormone therapy, radiotherapy, surgery, and chemotherapy for prostate cancer treatment.

What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?

More advanced prostate cancer can present with symptoms and indicators like,

  • Urinary difficulties
  • Reduced force in the pee stream
  • Urine containing blood
  • Semen with blood
  • Bone ache
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Erectile dysfunction

What are the risk factors of prostate cancer?

The following are some factors that may raise your risk of prostate cancer: older years. As you become older, your chance of prostate cancer rises. 

  • Age: After age 50, it becomes more prevalent. 
  • Race: Black people are more likely than those of other races to develop prostate cancer, for unknown reasons. Prostate cancer is also more likely to be aggressive or progressed in Black individuals.
  • Background in the family: Your risk may be elevated if a parent, sibling, child, or other blood relative has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Additionally, your chance of prostate cancer may be increased if you have a significant family history of breast cancer or if you carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes, which raise the risk of breast cancer.
  • Being overweight: Research on the relationship between obesity and prostate cancer suggests that obese individuals may be more susceptible to the disease than those who are deemed to be of a healthy weight. After the first therapy, the cancer is more likely to be aggressive and to recur in obese individuals.

How prostate cancer is diagnosed?

Tests for prostate cancer may include,


  • Rectal exam digitally (DRE): In a DRE, your doctor examines your prostate, which is located next to the rectum, by putting a gloved, lubricated finger inside it. You could require more testing if your doctor discovers the gland’s size, shape, or texture anomalies.
  • PSA test, or prostate-specific antigen test: Your arm vein is used to extract a blood sample, which is then tested for PSA, a hormone that your prostate gland naturally produces. It’s typical for your blood to contain trace amounts of PSA. On the other hand, if a greater-than-normal level is discovered, it might be a sign of cancer, inflammation, enlargement, or prostate infection.
  • Ultrasound: If a prostate cancer screening identifies an anomaly, your physician might suggest additional testing to ascertain the presence of prostate cancer through ultrasound. A tiny probe, roughly the size and shape of a cigar, is placed into your rectum during transrectal ultrasonography. The probe takes an image of your prostate gland using sound waves.
  • MRI: MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. In certain cases, your physician might advise an MRI to provide a more comprehensive image of the prostate. Your doctor may use MRI pictures to plan the removal of prostate tissue samples.
  • Obtaining a prostate tissue sample: Your doctor can suggest a prostate biopsy to take a sample of cells from your prostate to check for cancerous cells there. A little needle is often put into the prostate during a prostate biopsy procedure to gather tissue. To find laboratory analysis is performed to determine are cancer cells in the tissue sample, laboratory analysis is performed.

After the diagnosis, the treatment options include radiotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy for prostate cancer. Continue to read more about chemotherapy for prostate cancer.

How to understand whether prostate cancer is agressive or not?

Determining the aggressiveness (grade) of the cancer cells is the next step after a biopsy confirms the presence of malignancy. To find out how much your cancer cells differ from healthy cells, a doctor examines a sample of your cancer cells in a lab. A malignancy with a higher grade is more aggressive and likely to spread quickly.

Among the methods used to assess the cancer’s aggressiveness are,

  • Gleason rating: A Gleason score is the most widely used scale for assessing the grade of prostate cancer cells. Though the lower end of the range isn’t utilized as frequently, the Gleason score incorporates two values and can range from 2 (nonaggressive cancer) to 10 (highly aggressive cancer). Prostate biopsy samples are typically evaluated using Gleason scores between 6 and 10. Prostate cancer with a low grade is indicated by a score of 6. Prostate cancer with a medium grade is indicated by a score of 7. Cancers with a grade of 8 to 10 are considered high-grade.


  • Genomic analysis: Your prostate cancer cells are analyzed by genomic testing to identify any gene mutations that may be present. This kind of test can provide you with further details regarding your prognosis. However, there’s uncertainty about who would find this information most useful, therefore the tests aren’t employed much. While genomic testing is not required for every patient with prostate cancer, in some circumstances it may offer additional information to help with therapy choices.

Surgery for Prostate Cancer

One treatment option for prostate-specific cancer is surgery. When combined with other treatments, it is occasionally used to treat advanced prostate cancer. A procedure that surgeons may employ to gain access to the prostate includes:

Cutting multiple tiny cuts on your abdomen: In a robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy, a few tiny abdominal incisions are used to insert surgical equipment that is coupled to a robot. Using hand controls, the surgeon directs the robot to maneuver the instruments while seated at a console. Using this method, the majority of prostate cancer surgeries are completed.

Cutting your abdomen in a single, lengthy incision: To access and remove the prostate gland, the surgeon performs a single, lengthy incision in your lower abdomen during retropubic surgery. Although somewhat less prevalent, this strategy might be required in some circumstances. One treatment option for prostate-specific cancer is surgery. When combined with other treatments, it is occasionally used to treat advanced prostate cancer.

Apart from surgery options radiotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy for prostate cancer can be performed. Continue to read more about chemotherapy for prostate cancer.

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Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer

High-powered energy is used in radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells. Treatments for radiation therapy for prostate cancer may include,

Radiation from external sources, also known as external beam radiation: When receiving external beam radiation therapy, you lie on a table with a machine circling your body to target prostate cancer with powerful energy beams like protons or X-rays. Usually, you have treatments with external beam radiation five days a week for a few weeks. Higher radiation doses spaced out over fewer days are used in a shorter radiation therapy course offered by certain medical facilities.

Internal radiation treatment (brachytherapy): Inserting radioactive sources into your prostate tissue is known as brachytherapy. Usually, radioactive seeds the size of rice are used to inject radiation into the prostate tissue. Over an extended period, the radiation exposure from the seeds is modest. One treatment option for cancer that hasn’t progressed past the prostate is brachytherapy.

Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer

The goal of hormone therapy is to prevent your body from manufacturing testosterone, a masculine hormone. Testosterone is essential for the growth of prostate cancer cells. Restricting the testosterone supply may result in the death or slowed growth of cancer cells. Options for hormone treatment include,

  • Drugs that inhibit the production of testosterone in the body: Some drugs, referred to as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists, block your body’s cells from producing testosterone.
  • Medications that block testosterone from reaching cancer cells: Your testicles cease to produce testosterone as a result. drugs that prevent cancer cells from receiving testosterone. These drugs, also referred to as anti-androgens, are typically used with LHRH agonists. This is because LHRH agonists can temporarily raise testosterone levels before they fall.
  • Orchiectomy: This is the surgery performed to remove the testicles. Testicle removal rapidly and dramatically lowers testosterone levels in the body. However, testicular excision surgery is an irreversible and permanent procedure, unlike pharmaceutical treatments.

Chemotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Anti-cancer drugs are injected intravenously (IV) or given orally during chemotherapy (chemo). These drugs enter the bloodstream and travel to the majority of the cancer cells in the body.

Chemotherapy may be used to treat prostate cancer that has metastasized outside of the prostate gland and is not responding to hormone therapy. Additionally, recent research has indicated that hormone therapy in addition to chemotherapy may be helpful. Chemotherapy, however, is not a common course of treatment for prostate cancer in its early stages.

Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Immunotherapy fights cancer by boosting your immune system. The immune system that fights disease may not be able to combat your cancer because the cancer cells make proteins that assist them evade the immune system cells. Immunotherapy functions by obstructing that procedure. Immunotherapy for prostate cancer may include,

  • Engineering your cells to fight cancer. The Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) treatment involves injecting a small portion of your own immune cells back into your body via a vein after genetically modifying them in a lab to combat prostate cancer. When hormone therapy is no longer effective for treating advanced prostate cancer, this is an option.
  • Aiding the cells in your immune system to recognize cancerous cells. For advanced prostate tumors that no longer respond to hormone therapy, immunotherapy medications that assist the immune system’s cells in locating and eliminating cancer cells represent a treatment alternative.

Why choose Turkey for prostate cancer treatment?

There are a few reasons why people would decide to receive treatment for prostate cancer like chemotherapy for prostate cancer treatment  in Turkey,

  • High-quality Healthcare Facilities: Turkey has made major investments in its healthcare system, resulting in contemporary clinics and hospitals that are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment for the detection and treatment of cancer.
  • Skilled and Experienced Medical Experts: Radiation therapists who specialize in treating prostate cancer, urologists, and oncologists are among the medical experts in Turkey who possess this quality. They have a wide range of skills that they bring to their practice because many of them have trained and worked abroad.
  • Cost-Effective Care: Medical care in Turkey can be less expensive than in other Western nations. This makes it a desirable choice for anyone looking for high-quality care at a more affordable price, particularly for treatments like radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or prostate cancer surgery.
  • Advanced Treatment Options: Robotic-assisted surgery, brachytherapy, intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and sophisticated chemotherapy regimes are just a few of the advanced treatment options available for prostate cancer in Turkey. Patients can receive state-of-the-art care that meets or exceeds international standards.

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