Beard Transplant In Turkey

Beard Transplant In Turkey

Beard Transplant In Turkey is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Beard Transplant In Turkey and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;

  • Beard Transplant In Turkey
  • What Causes Beard Deficiency?
  • How is beard transplantation applied?
  • Things to consider during beard transplantation
  • After Beard Transplantation
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Beard Transplantation
  • Can beard transplantation be done in cases such as burn scars?
  • Is beard transplantation done together with hair transplantation?
  • Celebrities who have had beard transplants

Beard Transplant In Turkey

Beard transplantation is an application that has started to see more demand in recent years. This procedure is performed by transplanting hair follicles taken from the hairy area to places where there’s sparse hair or no hair within the area covering the beard and mustache area of men.

Beard Transplant In Turkey

Beard transplantation can be done to bald areas that develop genetically from birth or after trauma, burn, infection. Beards are not like hair. It is different in intensity for everyone. For this reason, beard transplantation is finished with a distinct planning for everybody. This procedure is completed in a few hours under local anesthesia. Patients can achieve natural-looking beards without pain. In the planning for beard transplantation, the patient’s condition is evaluated with the drawings, and also the hair follicles collected from the nape area are separated individually and transferred to the beard area.

Most of the patients who apply for beard transplantation complain of the problem of cornering or the sparseness of the beard and the messy appearance. Care is taken to confirm that the hormones of the patients have reached a specific level so as to perform the sowing process. Therefore, we will say that beard transplantation are often done from the age of 20-22. Apart from this, those who just like the appearance of a 1-2-day stubble might want to own a beard transplant to complete their missing and irregular beards for those that want to elongate their sideburns. In other words, beard transplantation is a procedure that can be applied to those who have no beard and those who have a sparse beard.

For men, a beard is like an accessory on the face.

The importance of the beard for men is considered an integral part of the facial accessory and aesthetic appearance. A man whose beard grows the way he wants is also happy with his life. However, this satisfaction does not always occur. When the beard is not at the desired density or does not grow at all, it can become a major source of problems for men. Taboos such as not a man without a beard and a man with a beard have a great impact on men’s approach to beards. For this reason, men resort to the beard transplant method.

There may be various reasons underlying this problem in beard transplantation. Growth of beards is related to male hormones. Sometimes due to the role of genetic factors, sometimes due to diseases, sometimes due to reasons such as accidents, appearances such as sparseness, open areas and scars may occur in the beard. Even puberty acne can be effective in this. This can become a serious problem for men who care about beards. Because in our society, the beard is considered an image that symbolizes the man.

The stubble fashion, which has become widespread among young people in recent years, may also become inapplicable for those who have sparse and open beards. This can lead to serious mental problems in men. Normally, sparse beard and open areas don’t cause a unhealthiness. In fact, this could result in an aesthetic concern. However, for people who make it a controversy, it’s going to be possible to experience mental problems. Here, beard transplantation offered by aesthetic applications may be seen as an answer to the present problem of men. This application offers permanent solutions to men with beard problems.We offer advanced expertise, tailored treatment plans, and compassionate care, every step of the way. Choose us, and choose a future where health isn’t just a destination, but a vibrant, empowered journey you take with trusted companions by your side.

What Causes Beard Deficiency?

There are many reasons to be dissatisfied with the proportion of your beards. These are genetic factors, some diseases, lifestyle, etc. can be diversified.

Genetic Factors

If your parents are tall, you are more likely to be tall. Growing a beard follows the same principles: the thicker beard your father (and his father) had, the better your chances of growing a beard. Simply put, genetics decides a lot about us, from our hair color to our mental abilities. As a result, we don’t have much control over our DNA. We cannot take a drug that changes our genes and causes us to have the qualities we desire.


When it comes to the “cause” of sparse and unkempt beards, hormones are often the first suspect. The fact that some men’s cheeks have less blood flow than other parts of the face is one of the biological causes of uneven growth. This is important because it restricts the amount of nutrients and beard-growing hormones that reach your cheeks. This leads us to the two hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Beard growth is influenced by testosterone, the same hormone that causes puberty and masculinity. Men with low testosterone may have trouble growing a beard, although this is not always the case.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata affects most men. Spot baldness, which causes small bald spots on hair-covered parts of your body, including your beard, affects them. However, it is completely treatable and may even heal on its own.

Variables Affecting One’s Lifestyle

We’ve all been told to get enough sleep, eat the right food, exercise regularly, and not think too much about everything. All of these are beneficial for your overall health, including the health of your beard. Biotin and niacin are nutrients that aid beard growth (according to at least a few studies), so you can use eggs, avocados, milk, fish, sunflower seeds, etc. you can consume. These foods should be included in your diet. You can’t change your genes, but you can give your beard a fighting chance by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Beard Transplant In Turkey

How is Beard Transplant In Turkey applied?

As in hair transplantation, hair follicles taken from another area of the body are transplanted to the problematic area within the beard area during beard transplantation, and also the person’s beard is created. Thanks to this aesthetic application, beard transplantation can be done in people who have a beard and people with a sparse beard. For sparse beards, men generally want to possess a beard transplant. With the effect of anaesthesia applied during beard transplantation, the procedure is performed with none pain. Since the FUE technique is employed here, as in hair transplantation, beard transplantation is performed in a particularly comfortable way. With this technique, the hair taken from the non-shedding areas is transplanted into the beard area.

If there are regional losses in the person to be transplanted, the beard density in the surrounding area is evaluated and a transplant planning is made to adapt to this. If the beard is not completely, 1000-3000 hair follicles can be planted by adjusting the limit and frequency according to the person’s request. A meaningful expression can be created on the face of the person, even if it is rare, by planting 100 roots in the sideburn area and 400 roots in the chin and mustache region, that is, a total of 1000 hair follicles.

Things to consider during Beard Transplant In Turkey

During beard transplantation, the hair follicles to be transplanted here must be suitable for the beard. Because the hair follicles within the beard area aren’t just like the hair. Since they’re thinner, the roots to be planted should be suitable for this. Therefore, hair roots to be taken from the neck within the beard area are more preferred. Beard transplantation With the hair roots in this area, a natural-looking planting can be made in a suitable structure for the beard. In addition, the nape area is suitable for removing the hair follicles required for beard transplantation. But the priority is always in the neck area.

Another issue to be considered during beard transplantation is to plant hair follicles at an appropriate angle to the person’s beard. The planting angle of the hair follicles is important to obtain a natural appearance. Since cutting tools are not used in the Fue technique during planting, pitting does not occur at the bottom. This helps to achieve a natural appearance after planting.

The hair roots to be employed in beard transplantation should be single. In other words, the hair follicles to be taken from the neck or nape should be separated individually and utilized in planting. this is often because the natural hair follicles within the beard area are always single. Double, triple hair roots look very coarse and quiet in the beard.

The color distribution of the hair follicles taken in beard transplantation in the area to be transplanted is an important issue, as is the same angle and direction. Transplanting cyan hair follicles to a person with a white beard or not making the distribution of black and white hair follicles properly can lead to an undesirable appearance. Therefore, it is very important that the doctor who will do the planting specializes in this field and reflects his experience.

When the hair roots are taken from the neck or nape, they should be transferred to the planting place without waiting. Because the hair follicles taken are alive. If these are kept waiting, they will lose their function, that is, they will die because they will be without oxygen. This is especially important for people with limited hair follicles within the donor area. Hair follicles must be transplanted without loss. Beard transplantation is an application that needs knowledge and special experience. Considering this, people who want to own a beard transplant should definitely get support from a specialist.

After Beard Transplantation

After beard transplantation, the person is discharged. the primary wash is applied within the center where beard transplantation is performed within 1 to three days after beard transplantation. Until the primary wash, the patient should carefully protect the transplanted area. The reason for this is that it takes a certain time for the roots and the skin to fully unite after the planting process. The patient shouldn’t touch or wash the beard area with water until the primary wash. Except for this, perfume mustn’t acquire contact with cologne-like substances. Additionally, the planting area shouldn’t be shaved until the time your doctor approves. You should definitely not use harmful substances like tobacco products and alcohol within the first week. Although it varies from person to person after the transplantation process, a process called shock shedding is experienced. This process can occur between 30 and 90 days after sowing and aslo the transplanted hairs fall out. Shock shedding is normal and may not be alarmed. Because only the transplanted hairs fall out, the transplanted hair roots are still subcutaneously. Achieving the required result as a results of beard transplantation occurs in a mean of 6 to 9 months. It’s up to the individual to shorten this process. With the correct care and hygiene, the healing process works more healthily.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Beard Transplantation

Before deciding on a beard transplant operation, it is useful to know the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

Like other hair transplantation, beard transplantation has many advantages for patients.

  • It gives long-term results.
  • It is a risk-free surgical treatment.
  • Only local anesthesia is required.
  • It is painless.
  • Transplanted hair behaves like natural hair.
  • Normally, the new beard can be trimmed and shaved.
  • Allows for various (and adjustable) beard styles.

As with everything else, there may be situations where the disadvantages of beard transplantation sometimes occur.

  • Hair is taken from the donor area.
  • The transplanted beards will fall out at first.
  • It can take months for new hair to grow in during the ‘revival’ period.
  • There is a possibility of mild discomfort (bruising, swelling, increased tenderness, redness, crusting and ingrown hairs)
  • Antibiotics or ointments may be needed to prevent infections.
  • It takes patience!

Can Beard Transplant In Turkey be done in cases such as burn scars?

Beard transplantation is not done only for those with a sparse beard or for those who have no beard at all. In addition, it is a suitable procedure for people who have regional losses due to problems such as beard breakage, burn marks, scars. Such a scar within the beard area can cause aesthetic problems within the person.I t’s better for people with these problems to travel to a specialist doctor and have the required examination and judge for a beard transplant.

People who have beard transplantation do not leave disturbingly obvious scars. The techniques and devices used during this process prevent the formation of wounds. Only after beard transplantation, some conditions such as redness and blood traces may be experienced on the skin. Let me also point out that these are temporary. These effects cause small crusting on the skin for a while. However, it disappears on its own in a very short time. In this process, it is recommended that the patient pay attention to the hygiene rules and consult his doctor for issues such as washing his face and shaving.

After beard transplantation, hair loss occurs within the beard hair for about 2 weeks, as in hair transplantation. Don’t panic at this stage. Because the hair roots don’t seem to be damaged by this. Only the hairs planted within the beard area are broken and shed.Re-growth of beards takes place within 4-8 months. During this period, the effect of beard transplantation is also visible. A natural-looking beard is formed on the person’s face.

Immediately after the beard transplant, the specialists are informed that the person should not touch the beard area with water or wash it. In addition to water, cosmetic products such as perfume and cologne should not be used in this process. This area should be kept dry and clean for 10 days. Small crusts formed on the skin will fall off on their own during the healing process. Patients should also listen to their sleeping position for 1-2 days. A position should be set in such a way that the beard area is not weighted.

Beard transplantation During the recovery period, people should not cut their beard In this period, the opinions of the doctor who performed the beard transplant should be taken so as to shave.Care should be taken during the healing process when the hair follicles transplanted to the beard area start to grow due to the activeness of the hair follicles. If the doctor’s recommendations are followed, a smooth recovery can be achieved. Afterwards, the person can have a beard as he wishes.

Is beard transplantation done together with hair transplantation?

If the one who will have a beard transplant also will have a hair transplant, the patient should be evaluated meticulously.Hair follicles within the donor area should be examined intimately. It should be calculated that the hair follicles taken from this area are used for both hair and beard, and an appropriate planning should be made. Sowing should be administrated without damaging the hair roots and without wasting them. additionally, the hair follicles suitable for the beard should be used for beard transplantation, and therefore the ones for hair should be utilized in hair transplantation. Hair and beard transplantation is done at the identical time by making the colour separation of the hair follicles correctly.

Beard Transplant In Turkey

Celebrities who have had beard transplants


Beard Transplant in Turkey Summary (Price, Duration Time, Hospitalization)

Operation Number 1 or more Time to return to work 7 days
Operation Time
4-8  hours
Recovery 2-5 days
Anaesthesia Local anaesthesia Persistence of Results Permanent
Sensitivity Time 7-14 days Hospital Stay 1 night
Price EUR 1500